Set eggs on 3/18 who's with me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Nikki, Are you about beady for some Gold Laced Brahma eggs? I should know in a few more days if she is fertile yet! I can't wait!
Can't wait to see what you all hatch out!!!! Again, so glad I started this thread , it is a blast!!

Built my babies a new pen last night! Will get some pics of it and post it!!! It turned out really well!
I set more on April 18th. I did have it full of palm turkey (11) and guinea egg(9) eggs on April 8th.... just hours after I emptied it from my chicks pictured earlier. At day 9, the only fertile egg in the whole lot was a turkey egg. So, seeing as how one of the palms is setting on eggs (eggs from earlier than what I was incubating.. so they won't be any good), I threw it under her, and put 24 more mutt hens eggs in. That was kind of disheartning. Perhaps the birds are still abit young. I would think the guinea's eggs would have been fine. I have 3 males and two females in there, and they started laying eggs last November. They were hatched June 2011. Stupid birds.
Hey everyone how's the incubating/hatching going ? I would love to see pics of the 2 week olds from the 3-18 hatch on Easter weekend. I will have to wait until Monday to get some pics of my 8 and get them on here. I am still planning on setting some eggs maybe by next weekend and hopefully will have a few more of wholewheatchickens silkies to go in there. Hope everyone's babies are doing well and hope everyone who's incubating are having no problems. Have a great weekend everyone !!!
Wow, it's been two weeks already! Not going to hatch anymore any time soon. Even though we have 50 acres all we have is the shed for the cows and a 12 X 12 barn for the chicks/chickens. I am going to build a portable barn with wheels for pasture/free ranging in an electric net. That I already have and absolutely love. I will work on those pictures maybe this weekend. And I am afraid to sell any on craigslist. Good luck everyone. Lets see some pictures of those chickies

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