Set eggs today3/11 Due 4/1 for Easter! 1st ever hatch! Please join me!

OK -- I'm as crazy as the rest of you! I woke up every few hours last night and went and checked on the temp and humidity.
And guess what!!!! day 20 We got our first pip this morning!!!
a Mille Fleur d'uccle! ... now that is what I call exciting!
Candled for the last time, took out one more early quitter and went into lockdown yesterday, and have actually managed to get the humidity to hold reasonably well (unlike my last 2 hatches).
I was rewarded this morning with 3 pips! I hear some cheeping in there, and temp and humidity still look good. Very considerate of them to start during the day, so I will be at work and not at home with my face next to the incubator all day/night

Here's hoping there are 23 fluffy chicks in my future...
e/NC- Hopefully you'll come home to a chick or 2
RR- We are going to have a looong day. I should just go to Home Depot & the market, get something done, painting. I have to go buy bricks at the gravel place. right...

I have 2 chicks!
My first pip (day 18) took about 28 hours to hatch & #2, 20 hours. I have 2 new pip's this AM and 8 tormenting me.

I called Margo at 6:45 this AM and she maybe has 2-3 developed eggs from 30 and is sooooo disappointed. She went into lockdown with the 3 this morning. Shipped eggs and I'm wondering if they were even fertile. The yolks & whites are intact, not even scrambled. They never even started to develop. Ahhh, it's always a crapshoot.

Good Luck to everyone. HAPPY PIP & ZIP DAY!

Hopefully, everyone else will be checking in soon.

Happy for everyone who has pips and zips and cheeps going on.

My incubator is quiet as far as I can tell. Locked down on Monday. Hatch day is the 1st.

My little eggs are in the room with 20 little fuzz butts who cheep alot. So hard to tell if the eggs are. I can't see any pips in the incubator and I am not opening the lid. I am not opening the lid. ..... (Keep saying so I won't)

Keeping my fingers crossed that I will wake up to little fuzz butts in the AM. Hard not to keep looking though.


Anxious momma
Brenda -- thanks for the picture!!!! It's just making me even more excited!

We still just have 1 pip but I came home this afternoon to the sound of peeping!!!! OH my, this is getting exciting, now!

It was good to hear that it can take 20 to 28 hours to hatch after a first pip. Otherwise, I would have been concerned that something was wrong.
Now, I just want to keep running in and checking the bator!!! Can't wait!

How is everyone else doing???
Nothing here either.... I am freaking out because I changed my "hatcher" (home-made incubator) set-up around after the first chick hatched as I had 2-3 days in between lock-downs. I can't keep the humidity stable. It goes way up to 70%, then down to 30%.. I used a knitting needle to pull the washcloth back into the container a bit & it helped a bit, but ARRRR!!!

I'm wondering if I just should have left the 6 BCM eggs that needed lockdown in the Octo 20 w/ the other 22 bantam Cochin eggs that I set last week! At least everything would have been more consistent.

So happy to see that some are having babies already.

*****Edited to share my emergency!********

After I wrote my post- my thermostat ( light bulb) went wonky!!!! The temp would swing from 88 to 110 (quickly), so I had to open up the incubators, fill the octagon 20's water wells all the way, pull out the eggs (mine thankfully) that I added yesterday & put the BCM eggs back into the octagon..... I pray that the chicks make it- especially since 1) how much I payed for them & 2) they've made it this far!

WAAAAAA- I'm so upset!
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Congratulations to everyone's chicks! Came home to find one fully hatched and another 1/2 dozen pips, so tonight and tomorrow look like they're going to be exciting!

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