Set eggs today3/11 Due 4/1 for Easter! 1st ever hatch! Please join me!

Hatched - 3 Speckled Sussex, 2 Buckeyes
Pipped - 1 Buckeye
Waiting - 3 Buckeye

If the waiting eggs have not pipped when I get home, going to have to open the bator in a steamy bathroom with a heat lamp on it tonight, the hatchlings will have been in there 48 hours. Will put warm sponges back in the bator with any eggs that haven't started yet, and hope for the best. With any luck at all, they will be hatched or pipped when I get home and we'll just wait for them to finish.
Still no pips or chicks!!!

I am so sad.

Congrats to everyone with babies. I love seeing some pics.
I have pip!!!
Believe or not, I heard peep sound last night, and I almost cried

Today, 7 eggs out of 14 have pip!
Due date is tomorrow, so I don't worry yet!
I cannot stop watching them!

I now have 3 babies! 2 Millies and a Splash Sizzle/Frizzle just hatched!!!
1 zipping Blue Ameraucana and 4 Pips. The last one hasn't done anything yet.
So far so good.
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I had 3 EE babies in the bator today when I got up (2 black, 1 yellow) and have more pips. Plus I have at least one pip from my silkie-feathered Ameraucana eggs. Hatch babies hatch!!
Just started with this site last week, been nosing around for awile. Sorry I am joining so late. I have 12 Dominiques due for hatch tomorrow.( ! April) Came from my own flock. Lost two over the two candlings and one was a little behind compared to the others on the 18th day. So we will see. Haven't heard a sound, was hoping for some movement by now. Best wishes to everyone.

Please don't be so sad yet,
your due date is tomorrow.... and depending on the time of day you set them, i could be into the 2nd.
I set 24 mutt eggs from a neighbor on 3/11

Don't give up hope and open the bator. Your chicks have just read the book

Welcome de in Dom !
Come on April Fool chickies.

I'm holding at 8 put just got another pip around 3PM. I hate the last 3 or 4 to hatch, such stress

You know they've been being knocked around for 2 days


Who is still waiting to see all of the other pictures
not doing so well.. I had one pip and was starting to unzip. I had to go to work.

My son checked it alittle while ago and it didn't make it. Tomorrow is hatch day but no other pips.

I hate this waiting..
5 of my 9 viable eggs are now hatched!
But you're right Brenda... waiting for these last 4 egg is stressful! I hope they make it. There's still plenty of time but...

I'll feel better when they're all safe and sound.

Anyone have some pix yet?

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