Set on 2/4...who's with me?

Set some on the 4th and 5th. I had 7 set on the 4th and couldn't resist setting 3 more on the 5th. I believe we candle at day 4. This is my first hatch so anyone who can post pics as they candle would be my hero so I know what to look for!
Best of Luck!
I set a dozen mixed banty eggs under my Blue CM tonight...I should be right on time given that banties hatch a little earlier! I don't think I am going to candle, I'm just going to leave her alone to do what she knows to do.

I tried moving her to a different nest box in advance, twice, but she kept going back to her other one, so I'm leaving her there. I set up a new nest box for some of the girls to use instead. Once the babies hatch
I'll move them to an enclosed space.

Good luck everyone!
two more cracked that I covered with nail polish

Anyone else setting tonight? would love a hatch buddy!

Am looking forward to hearing results of manicured eggs.

I set a few very late 2/3 and then some more that I missed or collected from nests on 2/4. I'm actually trying to hatch a few dirty eggs, which I usually never do. Also about three that I accidentally put in the fridge for about 24 hours (they were supposed to go in the incubator) before I realized my mistake. I've got my Eco 20 a little bit double stacked and then some more eggs in my Little Giant that should have been tossed a few years back when it spiked to 104F on Day 21. I hadn't even touched the knob!

I won't be candling until around day 14 because my flashlight is junk, but I look forward to others' comments whenever they want to candle. Truth be told, I don't always candle.
this is my first hatch and i have set some dirty eggs in. lol i hope they don't explode!!!
it would be sad if they do though...
oh well well see as they go but i don't think I'm gonna candle bc i would be throwing away all the good eggs knowing my luck, OR i wouldn't have the gut to throw them away. I'm thinking the second choice
bc i would think, well what if they are fertile and it might hatch. oh well, I'm not even sure if they are fertile
probably not! but maybe!
this is my first hatch and i have set some dirty eggs in. lol i hope they don't explode!!!
it would be sad if they do though...
oh well well see as they go but i don't think I'm gonna candle bc i would be throwing away all the good eggs knowing my luck, OR i wouldn't have the gut to throw them away. I'm thinking the second choice
bc i would think, well what if they are fertile and it might hatch. oh well, I'm not even sure if they are fertile
probably not! but maybe!

You are funny, chloezoebob. Your first hatch, right? I think that's what I saw onthe other page. I didn't candle until maybe my 3 hatch and then I couldn't tell what in the world was going on anyway so I didn't pull any eggs out anyway. And with my dipsy doodle flashlight, I'm still at a loss. All I do is remove the eggs that I can see clear through. I never candle when the eggs are under a hen. I imagine that the chance of dirty eggs exploding is about 1 in a 100 or less.

I've got dirty eggs in my incubator and I think the thing I worry about more with dirty eggs is omphalitis (mushy chick) or some other bacterial infection. So I'm not going to let my chicks hang around in the incubator too long after they hatch. I should probably go find out the recipe for putting a few drops of bleach in the incubator water. That's supposed to help, but I can't remember how much bleach is not too much. None of my eggs have ever been dirty before, but I really want eggs from those hens so I have no choice.

And wait ... why do you think that your eggs might not be fertile?
When should we candle?

I am going to candle day 7 day 15 and then put them into lock down day 18 and pray for a good hatch lol. Hoping I can wait until day 7 I really would love to candle them now but they are just on day 3 so probably too soon to see anything. Incubating teaches patience hehe.
when I have eggs that are really dirty that I want to candle I just take a damp washcloth or paper towel and carefully try and get the worst of the poo off the egg. I've never had any problems with that making them not hatch, and then I don't have to worry about the germs affecting the other eggs.

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