Set on 2/4...who's with me?

One thing that is driving me nuts is my two little chicks jumping around and rolling the other pipped eggs around. I'm sure it's not a big deal but still has me a little uneasy.

I have a couple that have pipped. I just put in my extra papertowels to increase the humidity.

I put the eggs in severely nearly-cut-to-pieces-to-preserve-good-ventilation styrofoam egg carton bottoms to keep them from rolling around during the hatch. The rolling around has always bothered me from way back during my first hatch. I thought for sure that the chicks were having a harder time because they were being jostled. But who knows?
I can't see into the Marans eggs that well, not like the Ameraucana eggs. I could see initial formation and then just darkness as things progressed. I'm so worried about these little ones. Not a thing going on today. What to do, what to do????
First casualty. I had a chick zipping out. It stopped zipping after about 20 minutes. It tried 2 or 3 times to push itself out of the shell so I figured it was minutes away from birth. After 30 minutes I came back to no movement. I cracked the lid and grabbed the egg. I followed the guide to chip away the shell but it was dead. It looked like it drowned in goo. This really sucks because it was one of four green eggs I set to hatch. I was really curious how it would look. My humidity only changed about 4% when I cracked the lid, so I don't think the other eggs are at risk.

Oh well.
I Not a thing going on today. What to do, what to do????

Oh, dear.

First casualty.

Oh, dear!
It was so close.
I am having a great hatch dispite the fact that they started hatching before I removed turner and locked down. I am hatching Lavender Ameraucana and BCM from Bargin. I think I finally figured it out
I have 5 out possibly 6. I have my bator in the closet, where it is nice and dark. I haven't been shining a light in it, just to check and add water. It seems to do the trick, the babies stay nice and quiet while the others are hatching. I want to look but I won't for a while. I can always tell when one is hatching
when they are chriping like crazy. I want to look sooooooooo bad.

I'm sorry for your loss.
I set on 2/4, have all bantams and we havn't even started to pip. we have a lot of wiggling though:) I have another 5 eggs under a broody that I am hoping hatch a day early. I hear broodies can do that, but with all bantams I still have nothing, but its only day 19....

Just removed from the incubator. They weren't supposed to hatch until tomorrow. So either they thought they were under a broody or I had the temp a little too high. I'm guessing the temp a little too high. I still have the three that were in the fridge for 24 hours that are supposed to hatch on Saturday.
I have my bator in the closet, where it is nice and dark. I haven't been shining a light in it, just to check and add water. It seems to do the trick, the babies stay nice and quiet while the others are hatching.

Oh, great insight. That is mostly working for me ... so thanks. The dim lights do keep them calmer.

Congrats on your great hatch.
So I only had one egg that was fertile/developed as far as I can tell. I could see him moving around before lock down and even heard him peep today when I added water! The humidity dropped pretty low so I opened it to add water. No cracks in the shell as far as I can see. What am I going to do with just one chickie? All I can say is that I hope it is a hen! We have enough roosters around here and I don't want to keep another one. I just know this one is going to be babied since he's the only one!
I left yesterday at about 2pm to go to a friend's house. I got home at 11pm and went straight to bed. Well as of this morning I'm up to 18 chicks. I still have around 10 unhatched eggs in the incubator, a few of them are pipped but I'm beginning to have my doubts on some. Today is my target hatch day so maybe they will come around. I'll post pics later on in the day when everyone is in the brooder. I am hoping for at least 20 chicks... 25 would be stellar.

Good luck everyone and I hope to see some more pics when I get back.

update: I saw an egg pip, got in the shower and when I got out TWO eggs had hatched. I'm a quick showerer, too, usually get the job done in 5 minutes. Can't believe two hatched in such a short period of time. Up to 20 chicks!
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