Set on 2/4...who's with me?

What does everyone shoot for on humidity? I shoot for 70% - 75%. But I don't do lockdown. I missed the memo on lockdown when I started hatching a number of years ago, but have managed to muddle through. Anyone know what the rule is on humidity?

I got about 35 to hatch. Three that should have hatched didn't. And at least one egg that was 16 days old at time of setting did hatch and another that was 15 days old hatched, too. I wish I could keep them all, but many are promised to a friend. Really, I don't need them all. But they are so precious.
8 hatched so far 7 more pipped maybe more (hard to tell when the babies keep moving the eggs, the good thing is though that the tossing and turning seems to make the babies want out of the shells quicker. My first baby hatched at 6 am this morning and so far 7 more on top of that. Hoping for a 100% hatch but since they are pullet eggs who knows what I will get. All the babies so far are hale an hearty and doing well. 7 yellow brahma and brahma mixes and one cochin mix for sure ( came out black hehe) Can't wait to take pictures so I can show you all.
Yup that's pipped I aimed for the same because once the eggs start hatching it boosts up mine has gotten to 72 and is starting to go back down finally while waiting for the next egg to hatch.

Crossing my fingers for your egg to hatch well.
I have one chick so far. It's one of the lemon ones. The poor thing has part of the membrane (I guess) wrapped around its leg and keeps dragging the whole shell around with it.

There are a couple of others that pipped but haven't gotten any further. I sure hope I end up with more than just one.
I have one chick so far. It's one of the lemon ones.

Yay! That's good news! I hope more than just one hatches, but maybe you could put out a request for a newly hatched chick here on BYC to keep yours company if no others hatch. Just one chick will be sad considering that they're flock creatures. Or maybe you have a farm store that has day olds and you could buy another. But that's something to worry about later ... you'd think another 1+ would hatch if one shipped one managed to hatch. This is good news.
I have two that pipped a bit ago and are starting to zip!! yay! I havnt even checked my eggs under the hen outside. I suppose theres nothing I could do for them when its 20* but leave them under the hen
, I cant wait till these little buggers pop out!!!
Still nothing here. No rolling around and no pips. :( I know that one is alive though because I heard him say "cheep" from inside his shell. I candled them all at day 4 and 10. I've seen the one grow from candling and know he was still alive a few days ago. I have not seen any development on the rest. Before I threw them out though I did the float test and they all floated with 3/4 of the egg underwater so I put them back in just in case. I don't like the waiting.
I have two that pipped a bit ago and are starting to zip!! yay! I havnt even checked my eggs under the hen outside. I suppose theres nothing I could do for them when its 20* but leave them under the hen
, I cant wait till these little buggers pop out!!!

Yay! Is the manicured egg pipping?

20*. Brrrr.

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