Set on 2/4...who's with me?

Still just one here...chirping away and pecking at the side of the 'bator. ;)

Another one pipped tonight, and I saw another egg wiggling. So I'm still hopeful I could see a couple more hatched chicks by morning...
Here is the BYC thread about it, some people swear by it but I'm still a little doubtful.

Sounds perfectly plausible. I'm not sure I could do it properly and get the proper results. But sometimes desperate time call for desperate measures, so I'd do the test if I had to. Thanks for ferreting out that link. It's worth it to me to keep it on hand.

for your eggs.
Another elderly egg just hatched. It was laid and collected on 1/18. That's kind of surprising to me. I didn't know they were so old when I put them in there. I wouldn't even have tried an egg over 14 days, if I had been paying attention, because stats show they are nearly impossible to hatch.
Mine are done I do believe I left 3 eggs in bator. They looked like they still had veins. I thought I was helping one out ( due to 3 being stuck in egg that I helped, and 2 that died right after pipping) but as soon as I barely touched the membrane, to moisten it, it started bleeding, I thought I got the bleeding stopped, put back in and checked on it again, it bleed to death, just horrible. I feel bad. So the others I left alone. Mine all started hatching on Wednesday. With one that came out looking like it needed more time to grow. But all that hatched are doing feast. I got 8 Marans and 6 Lavender Ameraucana's. So I'm really happy, its the best hatch I've had with shipped Marans. Congratulates to everyone.
I still have 22 chicks. Fluffed out and staying warm in the brooder. Of the 8 eggs remain I have doubts any will hatch. I haven't seen any movement or heard any chirping. Target hatch date was Friday. I'll probably take them out tomorrow afternoon and investigate. I have a feeling I will be finding dead birds inside. I question whether or not the retrieval of birds during lockdown could have contributed to the problem. I made sure to only retrieve chicks when I had no pipped eggs but who knows. Guess I'll find out tomorrow. Going to be gross.

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