Setting Eggs 12/28 - Hatching Buddies? Hatch-Along

No problem! It was fun but I don't think I'll do the cam again. Too stressful! I milked my first experience and next time I'm going to be a lot more hands off :p

Also, here's a pic of Morpheus. He is SO photogenic and this picture is perfect! I'll post more of the others once I get pics of them all :)

Our eggs never hatched :( Today I took them away from the nest and cracked them open - the little embryos never developed fully. Good thing is we do know that our roo is fertile, since there were embryos in almost all the eggs. Went to our local store and bought three day old chicks and put them with momma hen, who immediately tucked them beneath her and was guarding them from me. So I think she's going to be a great adoptive momma! The three chicks are one each - Silver Wyandotte, Buff Orpington and Americauna.
xiamenmom, I'm sorry your eggs never hatched. The nice thing about getting chicks from the feed store is they're probably all sexed pullets, right?
Optimus Prime isn't doing too hot. He has a bit of unabsorbed yolk on his "belly button", is wobbly and more sleepy than the others, and not interested in food and water. He's only 1 day old so I'm giving him a break for now, but I am worried.

Good news is I've found them a home! They'll be picked up on Saturday :)

More baby pics!

"It's such a big world out there!" -Iggy

Peep and her golden coloring

Peewee won't hold still for pictures unless I'm holding her <3

Clara is EXTREMELY photogenic

Iggy again

Fluffy was fun to photograph...LOL

Best. Stinkeye. EVER!

The "End" :)

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