Setting Eggs 12/6


9 Years
Jan 7, 2011
New Kent
My rotten dog escaped her fence and killed my daughter's favorite chicken today. She is so upset, that was the first chick we ever hatched. So I am putting the eggs she had laid this week in the incubator. I only have 3 of her eggs and two of those were in the fridge. She had laid one egg today. So I am putting those 3 plus a few eggs from other hens in as soon as I get the temps stabilized on the incubator. I really don't want to have one lonely chick hatch out. That means we should hatch out about the day after Christmas. Anyone else hatching out for Christmas?
Hi! I will be setting a few eggs tomorrow(they will hatch the 27th) i set 2 eggs this afternoon and i'm gonna set more tomorrow! I am sooo excited! They will be mutts(the roosters are BLRW) soo it will be exciting!!!!
HHMMM, Littlecreek, you wouldn't happen to be on PCOV also by any chance?
Our posts are sounding very familiar.
I will be putting a couple of Ameraucana X Wt Leghorn eggs in and a couple of Ameraucana X ?? (sm brown egg, don't know who laid it, could be sp sussex, bantam cochin, or red sex link) I just want to be sure something will hatch. I am unsure of fertility rates, which roos are the daddies. The big guys didn't tend to bother the bantam cochin female though, so I am pretty sure her babies (if the eggs are fertile) will be pure bred. If not, they will be some funny looking chicks.
hahaha yep! I'm hoping my americauna will lay......just think about what i would get if she's crossed with my BLRW

oh i'll definitly have some funny looking looking chickens!!! One egg is a sicilian buttercup X BLRW
now i'm just hoping they will hatch.......
We can have ugly/pretty baby contests with our mixed up chicks. I found a 4th egg from that little hen that hadn't made it into the fridge yet. I just want one to hatch (or two), just so my daughter has a little piece of her in a way. I will be candling by the end of the week to see how my fertility looks. I will let you know how many of my eggs are good.
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hahaha:gig that's hilarious! That's awesome then the baby won't be lonely. I had to throw out my 2 eggs in my bator b/c it would effect the other eggs by adding humidity and all. But I'm putting more in this weekend. I've got three to go in right now but hopefully my hens will lay a couple today. And then next week i'm moving my flock of 9 BLRW to a seperate pen so i can breed purebreds. But I'm gonna wait like 2 months after they lay until i incubate their eggs.

I'm not sure when to candle. Someone said 3 days before hatchdate. But i don't know if i can't wait that long lol. okay i hope they hatch!
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I am setting 14 light brahmas today...after a miserable hatch last time...I'm hoping this one goes better! Waiting on a new bator to arrive, but starting them out in my LG. Here's to a successful hatch!!
I like joining people who have similar hatch dates, so that way if mine doesn't work out, I can still look at pics of other peoples brand new fluffies!!
Now remember I LOVE to candle, so I go overboard with it.
I also don't want to have an egg explode.
That would be terrible in the house! I candle on about day 3 or 4, and toss any infertile eggs that did not start. Then I will candle again around day 10, and again just before lockdown so I can toss any late quitters. I may also sneak one or two out to candle every couple of days in between just because I am crazy!! I tuck them in my bra to keep them warm, candle them in a windowless room, then sneak them back in. See, told I was crazy!! I did a couple of staggered hatches last year without a problem. I just didn't bump the humidity up until day 19/20, then dropped it after those hatched, and repeated the process a week later when the next batch hatched. The humidity wasn't up long enough to have a significant effect on how much moisture was lost by the other eggs. There are a lot of posts on here about people doing staggered hatches. It isn't that big a deal.

Billiejoe, glad your hatching with us!
I hope you have a much better hatch this time.
Good Luck! I got my first blue egg today from my ameraucana's so I put one of those in the bator, too.
I am up to 9 eggs. Wonder how many chicks I am going to end up brooding in my house this winter???
True to my word I candled eggs today ( I did mention I am obsessed).
I definitely have 3 out of 4 cochin eggs developing, the fourth is a maybe, it has a more dense/porous shell I just couldn't be sure. Both of the leghorn eggs are duds, they weren't fertile, one of the larger brown is is fertile for sure, and I can't tell on the other, and it is to soon to tell for the blue egg. They are so much harder to see through. I didn't toss any yet, I will wait a few more days, once I can see chicks moving around a larger veins I will toss all the clears. I am happy that all of them aren't going to hatch, I didn't really want that many brooding in the house all winter. I am just thrilled that at least 3 of the cochin eggs are developing.
They are so tiny, and such cute chicks. I won't mind having them in the house longer. The LF chicks just get stinky so much faster!

How are your eggs doing Billiejoe? Are you going to candle?

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