Setting Eggs 3/10 or 3/11 - Join Me?

Let's see... (gets out the hatching calendar)... I set 7 Black Rosecomb, 3 Barnyard Mixes, and 3 Silkie O eggs for a total of 13 in the LG. My lucky number! I'm saving everything from today through Saturday to set at noon on March 17 for Mahonri's 3rd Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long. Already have 10 eggs; would have had an even dozen had one not rolled off the counter and another egg was cracked before I got it out of the nest. Good thing that I'll be putting 24 eggs in the hatcher on Wednesday... I'd not have room, otherwise.

Go, chickies, go!
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Yes, We started incubationing on the 10th. 7 black copper marans, 4 silver laced cochins from our own flock, and 8 lavender orpingtons that I ordered from Angie and Larry McEwan.
I bult an incubator 11+ years ago for my 8 year-old daughter's science experiment. We learned that the eggs near the light, (warmer) hatched a day earlier than the eggs further from the light (cooler).

My sister who home-schools her 2 girls had contacted me over a month ago asking about hatching eggs. I told her I'd prefer if she waited a while, since I will be taking some of the chicks, and I wanted to wait for warmer weather.

I was thinking about hatching a dozen, but then it became 2 dozen, and then 2nd person I purchased eggs from threw in 6 freebies!
30 eggs total!
I took the incubator and eggs to her house on Thursday night. Set up the incubator. Adjusted the temperature in the morning, added the eggs, waited a few hours and then left. I've been told that everything is going well. :) (She's a 2 hour drive away, so I won't be having many daily comments here.) I hope she sends me photos! :)

Incubating......not incubationing.......silly tap to txts phone.;)
We are also very new to incubating. My little girl is very excited and lots of help.
I'm loading up my classroom incubator tomorrow. I have Marans, Orpingtons, and a dozen barnyard specials! I'll take a pic of the eggs before they go in tomorrow. I have a Genesis.

I love to hatch chicks to have for Open House. They always find good homes, so many are interested in backyard flocks these days. The ones I can't find homes for go to my friends farm about 1/2 hour away. If I weren't already over the town limit of 6, I'd LOVE to keep a couple more myself, but I will resist!!
*I didn't set my eggs 'til close to midnight, so I figure anyone who started 3/10 or 3/11 could join me. :)*

I'm setting as many eggs as I can stuff into my Brinsea Octagon 20 Eco tonight. I have 24 Buff Orpington and 6 Buckeye eggs, so we'll see how many fit. Anyone else starting a hatch today or tomorrow? Since it's so late, I'll check back in tomorrow to see if there are others to join.

I've been keeping these eggs (from my own flock) since Wednesday (so three days) in cartons on the counter, tilting them every day. Hoping they do fine. I was going to just hatch Buff Orpington eggs, but then I cracked open a batch of Buckeye eggs for breakfast yesterday, and I saw some bullseyes! So I kept the rest of yesterday's and today's Buckeye eggs and will try them, as well. Up until now, they haven't been fertile, but I think Mr. Buck finally found his groove...

We put 4 barred rocks and 6 buff orpingtons on the 10th :) I am using the Brinsea Mini Advanced. Candled them last night and all but 2-3 are growing
We could see a distinct eye and veins in 1 and dark areas with faint veins in the others. Hoping for at least a barred rooster and buff girl !!!! Good luck to all !!!
Now comes the boring part, for me. Rock the Brinsea three times a day, check the water level once every 3 - 5 days, and wait wait wait. I'm not a patient person, LOL, so this part is hard for me. Good thing chicks are only 21 days - I'm incubating a human baby, and let me tell you, 40+ weeks always feels like FOREVER to me. Thankfully, I'm not too far from the end of that, either.

Congrats on the human baby
When are you due?? Do you know what you are having??? So exciting !!!!!!!!
I'll join you, I set 24 eggs on the 10th. These are mixed, mutts with some pure. I love hatching eggs, yes the wait is torture. Have another 48 going into the bator on the 17th.

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