Setting Eggs 3/10 or 3/11 - Join Me?

Just put all my eggs in lockdown! Very exciting. I still have 28 in my little Brinsea, and I am very unsure about how they're all going to hatch in there. They can't lie flat! I figured it's not roomy under a mama hen, either, so here's hoping...

Last year, I had my first pip on day 19. That's tomorrow!
I set my eggs on 3/10 and they've been in lockdown since yesterday... No action to be seen yet but I suppose that is pretty typical. This is my first time actually hatching in these incubators, I have 10 in a Brinsea Advance EX and just 2 in my mini brinsea, lol. I wanted to test both incubators. I have the feeling that they may have been running a little cool, but we will see. I'd love to hatch along with anyone who is hatching soon.
Our Faverolle broody abandoned her nest after the first of one chicken egg hatched and she killed the chick (an accident we think) and left the other eggs. We brought the other 4 chicken eggs and 2 turkey eggs inside and added them to the incubator. The other chicken egg that was due last Wednesday or Thursday hatched Sunday and we have a JG roo. OH yes, we can tell. This little guy was born with a prominent comb and on day 3 has only one set of wing feathers. We placed him in a basement brooder with a stuffed Snoopy doll. He is doing great. We named him Uno.

After removing Uno from the incubator we continued to turn the rest of our egg due April 1st, and the remainder of the Faverolle's brood. One of the turkeys hatched tonight, and is active, vocal and moves toward our voices. This one is drying quickly and we will remove it in the am and prepare for lockdown on the the rest of the eggs.

We also have another BO broody who had one chick hatch yesterday, and another pipped. This morning she had 4 chicks, this evening she had 6 live chicks and one that was full developed, but died during hatch. She had one more pipped egg, one egg zipping and 4 more eggs to go. She has also accepted Uno.

Fun, fun, fun, busy busy busy. Not too bad for a first hatch. I do love how quickly they grow and learn and change each day.

Happy lockdown everyone.
Very exciting! I sure wish I had a broody this time of year. This is my third spring with hens old enough to go broody, and the earliest I've ever had one go broody is May. Last year, it was June. I was kind of hoping all the warm weather would have have turned one of those broodies on, but nuthin'. I would have loved to sneak some of my eggs under her. Would certainly help with the crowded incubator issue!

So far, no pips. In lockdown since last night. The kids and I are checking frequently, LOL. I expect most will hatch tomorrow or Saturday.
We moved the turkey poult that hatched yesterday to our broody. She now has 8 chicks that she has brooded, Uno, our chick that hatched after another hen abandoned her nest, and 1 turkey poult. They are all happy. Mama is doing a fabulous job.

The incubator is in lockdown and all is quiet. I hope to have at least one April Fool, but I would like most of them to hatch before - I also lack the patience gene.

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