Setting eggs 3/15/14 - Who is with me?

Pretty much I am limited to one hatch a year (that is what I keep telling myself at least - lol). We do live in city limits so there are ordinances regarding the amount of hens and no roosters allowed. This helps my keep it under control - I hate the stress of trying to rehome the extras and we are also not allowed to process poultry in city limits. My hope is to get 6 pullets and rehome pairs/trios to 4-H kids if I get a really good hatch. I did two separate broodings of chicks last year. The first one was fun - the second was work - I don't like when my hobbies become work (this is what I will try to remember if I catch the hatching bug again this year!)
I've got 4 days till lock down. I'm going to go ahead and lock down the rocks a day early since they are ahead of the other eggs in aircell development. I will try and keep them from being rolled around to much by putting them in a container.

I like indoor chicks, I have a mud/laundry room that they go into. It seems the birds are friendlier and calmer than the ones raised under broodies. If they could just figure out the washing machine. This will be my first hatch with a cat in the house, she is going to be a PITA! She hunts everything, even the dogs, all of them between 50/80 pounds.
Ha! Maybe she won't be so bad. My cats usually just want to hog the heat lamp. I totally freaked once when I found our cat IN the brooder WITH a baby turkey we were rehabbing. The turkey ended up dying, but not because of the cat. It's almost like they got to be buds...

here is a picture of the weird side air cell egg... the small circle is day 0, the big one is day 14.

the other air cells are all looking good, at the top and round

BTW... we got our first egg of the season!
it was laid by a pullet that I hatched myself -- that's a first for me!
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I have an internal pip this morning on my most developed goose egg. It's scheduled to hatch tomorrow, so fingers crossed!

Oh, and I'm jealous of your first egg Farmer Viola. My bunch is still withholding. Ugh!
Great news on the goose egg! I'm not a big fan of geese, aunt & uncles had me up an apple tree way to often as a kid-they were very mean.

I was just looking at my eggs this morning, hanging out doing nothing. I guess that's OK since they still have 6 days to go.

Farmer Viola, I just love first eggs, I got a first from a Marraduna Basque this week. Her sisters have been laying for two months so her little ping pong ball looked cute in with the big ones from her hatch mates.
That photo could have been at our house - our golden whines non-stop if he doesn't get his chick watching fix in :) We have a new cat also - she's 8 months old and she will most likely be quite the pain with the brooding this year.
Grats! That is a big first
woops! sorry, that is an egg that I am incubating (not a first egg) hehe
it has an air cell off to the side instead of at the top, so I penciled it in for the photo... I am wondering if that chick will be malpositioned or if it will hatch OK.

Here is my welsummer's first egg laid yesterday: (18.5 weeks old)

I have an internal pip this morning on my most developed goose egg. It's scheduled to hatch tomorrow, so fingers crossed!

Oh, and I'm jealous of your first egg Farmer Viola. My bunch is still withholding. Ugh!
Woohoo! now comes the hard part... waiting!
keep us posted!

Great news on the goose egg! I'm not a big fan of geese, aunt & uncles had me up an apple tree way to often as a kid-they were very mean.

I was just looking at my eggs this morning, hanging out doing nothing. I guess that's OK since they still have 6 days to go.

Farmer Viola, I just love first eggs, I got a first from a Marraduna Basque this week. Her sisters have been laying for two months so her little ping pong ball looked cute in with the big ones from her hatch mates.
isn't it SOO exciting?? I don't know why but it makes me so giddy. the first egg is so special, I haven't eaten it yet. I might blow it out and save the shell?

day 16 for my detached air cell shipped eggs, 12 of 12 alive when I last looked. I plan to stop turning early today, setting them upright in a carton for hatch because they were detached. I can't wait

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