Setting eggs 3/15/14 - Who is with me?

Catfish, I've got my fingers crossed that the spike was a short one and the eggs didn't get that warm. My LG does that at least once per hatch, it was early this time.
I'm setting a dozen whole foods "fertile" chicken eggs today. I thought I would give it a try after reading the trader joe's thread. I tried this once before and got nothing.
I thought I would set them @ 3:14 on 3/14. Just for kicks. double pi.
I forgot to say, I'm out. None of the eggs seemed to be fertile, I know I should have checked one before incubating but I didn't. So no chicken pi for us. LOL
But on a good note, I'll be hatching some chicken and duck eggs for a friend soon.
Good Luck to everyone on their hatches. I'll keep checking back to see how everyone does and to see lots of fuzzibutt pictures.
It's day 19 for me and I have 2 pips and one rocking away! Lots of chirping also. I noticed one pip at 4:30 pm and it hasn't made any progress since then. Hopefully it's just resting. I'm so anxious for these babies to hatch!
I forgot to say, I'm out. None of the eggs seemed to be fertile, I know I should have checked one before incubating but I didn't. So no chicken pi for us. LOL
But on a good note, I'll be hatching some chicken and duck eggs for a friend soon. 
Good Luck to everyone on their hatches. I'll keep checking back to see how everyone does and to see lots of fuzzibutt pictures. 
I thought of trying Trader Joe eggs, I had seen others had tried them and the ladies were good layers. The closest store I could find was 4 hours away. A little longer trip and I could have found a breed I wanted.
It's day 19 for me and I have 2 pips and one rocking away! Lots of chirping also. I noticed one pip at 4:30 pm and it hasn't made any progress since then. Hopefully it's just resting. I'm so anxious for these babies to hatch!
Good Luck, Yes I'm sure they are resting. I agree waiting is the hardest part.
Our Trader Joe's didn't have eggs marked fertile, Only the whole Foods store has them here. I couldn't even find an air cell even on day 14. I turned the eggs every which way. So they must have been pretty shaken. I cracked one open before discarding and they were a pretty yellow no blood nothing so they didn't even start to develop.
The trader Joes thread on here is a pretty interesting read.
We are pretty rural, I don't even know where the closest Whole Foods would be. White chickens might have a hard time with all the critters around us.
Day 20 here and I just had my first one hatch about an hour ago!!! Looks like I have 9 more that have already externally pipped and we're just getting started. Here's to tomorrow being a super fun day!!!

, i have 28 out of 35 still alive and developing in my bator!!!
6 of the TJs were either not fertile or early quitters, and all but 1 of the farm eggs are developing nicely.

Sorry the quality is bad they were from my iPhone.

Day 20 here and I just had my first one hatch about an hour ago!!! Looks like I have 9 more that have already externally pipped and we're just getting started. Here's to tomorrow being a super fun day!!!


end of day 19 here.. d20 tomorrow.. so excited..
it is at this point that I start worrying every single egg has somehow died and will never hatch. OMG the anticipation!! it makes me crazy...

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