Setting eggs 3/15/14 - Who is with me?

First 2 out...

AWWEE my one poor EE out ...came too quickly! ...was pipped and just a little zipped then popped out just now... but dragging bloody guck off its cord not yellow guck ! Wish i could get him away from the rest but others are pipped and one almost all the way zipped .Hate to take the chance on them now and hes wet. Have to chance it for now. another silkie pipped 2 now going crazy in there!!
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Day 21 came and went yesterday with absolutely nothing. No pips, no movement, no sounds. I was heartbroken. Got up this morning and one of my Buff Laced Brahmas is zipping! I'm excited again! Late is okay as long as I get some babies! The lavender orpingtons are in there, too.
My 2 hatched this morning which is day 23! 2 more still to hatch. Some just seem to be more lazy than others I guess, lol!

Day 21 here:
I woke up to 2 pips!

one of them is verrry low on the egg.. it is in a carton.. I might take it out and lay it on it's side if it doesn't progress... there isn't room in the carton for the shell to fall away at all..
What % humidity is everyone using for lockdown? I have been doing the "dry" method (mostly in the 30s but it has gone from mid-20s to mid 40s). I'm thinking the mid 60s % but want to check in before it becomes official this evening.


I do 55-65% :)
Did you hear me Farmer Viola? First pip on one of the phoenix bantams! Go babies go.

ROFL I TOTALLY THOUGHT OF YOU!! I woke up this morning around 8 am (same time???) and had two pips too!! yayy!

I don't know why but by day 20 I really convince myself they have all perished. what is wrong with me.
Wonder why you pulled the eggs from the broody so soon. ? I had one hatch a week after the other and she was sitting on it only at night!! Taking the rest of the babies out during the day !! It was last fall though .... warmer than now.
I havent done broodys much why i asked .

My moldy bator i put pennys in and it stop stinking on hatch day...thought i killed them all though from the bacteria was SURE of it... ..none hatch ....... THEN .. night of hatch day pipped.!!.. pipped for 24 hours then out fast no assist 1 hour) . . Then this morning got up to add water...ANOTHER hatched! .... since then 4 or 5 more pipped !,... THIS IS .......DAY 23!!

I was TOTALLY wrong on this one .Am i knocked over suprised!!
Anyone need an EE chick?

That is AWESOME!! So happy for you!
I do 55-65% :)

ROFL I TOTALLY THOUGHT OF YOU!! I woke up this morning around 8 am (same time???) and had two pips too!! yayy! :celebrate
I don't know why but by day 20 I really convince myself they have all perished. what is wrong with me.
We think way to much alike! There are so many ways I could screw up a hatch when they start pipping I'm bouncing all over the house.
I think a porcelain d'Anver is pipped but it is in the corner and I think the pip is one the back side to make viewing more difficult. A cuckoo was moving like it's little legs were already sticking out the bottom.
We think way to much alike! There are so many ways I could screw up a hatch when they start pipping I'm bouncing all over the house.
I think a porcelain d'Anver is pipped but it is in the corner and I think the pip is one the back side to make viewing more difficult. A cuckoo was moving like it's little legs were already sticking out the bottom.

I just spent some time outside with the big chickens to distract myself, and moved my 5 and 8 week old chicks out into the run for some fresh air.

I came back to see a BLOOD coming out of the pipped egg.. omg.. I had a heart attack.. I brought it into a steamy room and I put some cornstarch on it.. I think the bleeding stopped. I can see the chick breathing, barely. hold on little chick...

after that fiasco, I decided to look at the egg that pipped at the bottom. I took it out of the carton and laid it down. I think this chick has died :( it isn't moving, and it leaked liquid out of the egg onto the carton...

bleeding pip:

incorrect pip (bottom) after I took it out of the carton. it is not moving or peeping, I think it is dead...

I decided to lay this one on it's side. the air cell is on the side of the egg..

Edit: We have another external pip!
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