Setting eggs 3/15/14 - Who is with me?

Locked down 27 eggs here last night ( which was day 19 - not 18 - seems the only math I am good at is chicken math!). 23 definitely have a little something-something going on - 4 are still impossible to see, however the air cells are the correct size so they are staying.

Having some trouble with the humidity - it was 57% and rising when I went to bed last night but 47% when I got up this morning. Vents are closed - I added more water. Going to check on it in about 15 minutes. I have to work all day today so I hope I can get it up to a good number before I leave. No external pips - hopefully the drop in humidity didn't hurt any of them. :(
Here are the 2 chicks that hatched - lemon pyle brahmas
sadly, the first two pips from day 21 did not survive, they were both below the air cell. The one that was bleeding I discovered in eggtopsy that it actually pipped just below where the air cell started. there was a big thick active vein right there on the border and the chick pipped right into it. I did see it's beak move before I went to bed last night, but this morning at 6 am it was dead. :( The yolk was not yet absorbed, so I don't think I could have / should have intervened any sooner, or anything. just sad to see it die.

the one who pipped very very low in the shell also died before I got to it. I should have taken it out of the carton as soon as I saw that very low pip. live and learn I guess? I believe it drowned in liquid pouring into its beak on day 21.

day 22:
2 more chicks have hatched!!
and there are 2 external pips right now. nothing on the other 6 eggs, and I won't be home most of today so..
please hatch babies!!!

1 of the chicks that hatched was very foamy. I have never seen this before. wondering if it's air bubbles being breathed into excess liquid? Why is there excess liquid? I did a dry hatch and today is day 22, shouldn't be any excess by now. 1 of the external pips I have right now also looks kind of foamy. what does it mean...
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Couldn't sleep and came down to check progress at 2:30 this morning. Cheerleader is sleeping and so is the pipped, why can't I?

how are your chickies doing?!?!?!

I took some of the non pipped eggs into a dark steamy bathroom for candling.
so far, 6 have been eliminated and 6 remain (including the 2 already hatched out)

alive day 22:
#13 and #10 both look good and were put back after candling. they have big air cells with a dip in them, I can see movement (looks like breathing up/down) so I think it is internally pipped, both of them. I am trying to wait for these 2 to hatch on their own.
#14 has externally pipped, candled and the air cell looks nice and big (empty), put back.
#11 has externally pipped but is producing a LOT of foam. I keep wiping it off and it keeps making more. it looks like it will suffocate. I wiped it back and cleared the nostrils. I candled it, and there is almost NO air cell on this egg. the chick is completely consuming the air cell. in the tip of the egg, there is a hollow spot, and I think the yolk is absorbed. I chipped away a very small amount of shell around the beak, saw a vein, put it back. I am going to have to assist this one fully, since the air cell is so full I believe it is malpositioned and cannot spin/zip
#1 hatched assisted (was foaming and consuming air cell)
#7 hatched unassisted & healthy

eggtopsies day 22:
#8 - weird air cell on the side of the egg, not the top. this chick was completely malpositioned. I chipped off the shell and left the membrane in tact. The opposite side of the air cell, on the side wall of the egg, the chick had pipped into the membrane. I could see it's little white beak. it did not puncture the shell though. this would have been straight down after I laid it on it's side. it hit a vein, and there was a pool of brown blood, so I think this happened at least 24hrs ago (today is day 22)
#5 - quit around day 18-19, kinda small in size but mostly formed, more liquidy. the membrane was detached from the shell throughout.
#2 - the line between chick and air cell looked muddy/wobbly, not solid and dark, it was also consuming part of the air cell (should have been bigger A.C). Upon opening it, the chick had internally pipped but could not externally pipped. it's foot was on top of it's head, and the beak could not make contact with the shell. the chick was quite large for the shell, I think it ran out of air. the yolk was mostly absorbed.
#12 - malpositioned, didnt pip, feet were on it's head between head and egg shell wall, could not pip. didnt internally pip either. membrane detached from shell throughout. yolk not absorbed, maybe died around day 20, just never pipped.
#6 - pipped very low on the shell & drowned day 21
#9 - pipped below air cell into vein & died day 21
The second phoenix to pip, zipped and the umbilical was bleeding quite a bit when it popped out of the egg. While I was in I re-candled, none of the 9 d'Anver were moving, down to 1 partridge rock, and another phoenix has pipped. I didn't see movement in the 2 remaining phoenix eggs.
i think my air cells are too small. this pic is from day 14 and there just a tiiiny bit bigger today (day 17):
what do you think...


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