Setting eggs 3/15/14 - Who is with me?

Took a peek this morning and the viewing windows are fogged from hatching - which is good, Can't see exactly how many hatched overnight but I don't see any blue shells so I don't think of any of the AMs have hatched yet. It's getting to be like bumper cars in there so I hope I have a break soon to move the dry chicks to the brooder - lots of "he's touching me" complaining going on

pics soon! :D
Seven chicks have hatched
2 BBS Cooper Marans
3 Lavender Orpingtons
2 Cream Legbars

There are 3 more in the incubator that are pipping, mostly Lavender Orpingtons.

Here is the photo of the seven of the chicks.
Had anyone's from this group hatched? I placed mine in on the 14 & 15. And nothing. Heard chirping the other day. We floated yesterday as all seem good
If you don't mind me jumping in here, I had a broody start a set on the 16th. I am going crazy with this. All the eggs I've seen from my girls have been fertile and I'm very new to this. I just let her have some eggs. She pushed one out a few days ago, felt hollow but rattled inside. Today she acts very alert and a little wide eyed, so I'm guessing we're getting close. I just tried to let her do her thing, I have not candled or anything ( most of the eggs are marans dark brown and a dark olive green) cause I didn't want to disturb her at all. I had a broody last spring that gave up after a week. I try reading on BYC, but can anybody give me a quick idea of what to be watching for? Thanks and wish us luck. Great job on the new chicks!
Really bad photos but here are a few - still have several drying off in the incubator. I hope to get them out tonight after work and the larger ecoglow 50 is on overnight order
cause the small one
ain't gonna cut it with this hatch.

There are a dozen under there currently - all Favs and JGs. I think I have one splash and one blue JG and also one splash Fav. There is at least one SPR in the brooder, one or two JGs and at least three AMs - it may be impossible to count your chickens before they hatch but after they hatch is not that easy either :)

Congratulations everyone and good luck to all those still hatch! I can see at least 3 eggs still unhatched in my incubator as well.
If you don't mind me jumping in here, I had a broody start a set on the 16th. I am going crazy with this. All the eggs I've seen from my girls have been fertile and I'm very new to this. I just let her have some eggs. She pushed one out a few days ago, felt hollow but rattled inside. Today she acts very alert and a little wide eyed, so I'm guessing we're getting close. I just tried to let her do her thing, I have not candled or anything ( most of the eggs are marans dark brown and a dark olive green) cause I didn't want to disturb her at all. I had a broody last spring that gave up after a week. I try reading on BYC, but can anybody give me a quick idea of what to be watching for? Thanks and wish us luck. Great job on the new chicks!
Good luck! and welcome to the thread

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