Setting eggs 4-3-14

I'm using a little giant still air. I've been playing with it over the past week and feel like I've got it fairly stable at 100 degrees. I would love to get a more expensive incubator but that's just not in the cards right now.
Yeah the egg turner is definitely the way to go. I'm saving up for a cabinet incubator. I would be able to set eggs every week. It's quite an investment though at 7-800 dollars. I want to breed rare breeds and sell them. It'll be sort of like a small little home business. The hatcheries and some breeders get $50 a chick for the cream legbars so I was thinking I could sell them $20 for females and $10 for males.
Definitely an intriguing thought. At this point I'm looking for home use and to make a little money selling eggs. However I may expand a little more as my knowledge grows. I figure if I start slow I will do better.
Classroom eggs set at 8:00 cst. 13 silkie eggs.

Question: I put in an acurite hygrometer/thermometer this morning. It is sitting on the turner, but the temps are reading different for inside and outside even though the entire thing is inside. Any ideas? I am using an LG still air. Humidity is reading in the mid 30's. My last hatch I had problems and have figured many of them out, but advise is welcome. I want this to be a good experience for my students. (Florida upper Gulf Coast region)
I just set 29 silkie eggs from a breeder on this site. This is my second attempt with these eggs. The first set didn't go so well 2/30 hatched. I am using my homemade mini freezer incubator.

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