Setting eggs 4-3-14

well im on day 20 and ive had a steady temp but humidity has been as low as 15 i put 2 cups of water in daily on top of a towel and paper towels in a fiem 50 with a circulating fan but i went on lock down sunday and out of 22 i have 18 fertile
but ive just added water and 2 have pipped
so i must have done something right im soooooooooo eggsited
That's great!! This is day 19 for me. I have 11 in lockdown since yesterday morning--half with funny air cells--they were shipped eggs. My humidity was around 54-58% so I added a little dish with a paper towel and some water and now the humidity is around 62-66%. I had my humidity dip to 10% a couple of times overnight when the water wells evaporated but this was before lockdown.
Well no pips yet but I have seen a few eggs rocking. I'm telling you it is driving me absolutely crazy not to be able to see what is going on in there.

I completely understand! I still have 4 days to go till lockdown and I want to see hatching now! LOL The rocking is so cool to watch though. Try not to stare too long.
My daughter's teacher texted me early this morning to tell me that she heard chirping and saw eggs wobbling. At 9am at drop off when I checked there were no pips yet but when I came back at noon for pick up there were two pips! I can't believe that I won't get to see them again until tomorrow at 9am!! This is way harder than when I incubated at home!! But it's so worth it cause the kids are so excited!! Tomorrow is day 21!!!

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