Setting eggs anyone want to join?

I see the pullets feathering out sooner, like most pullets, but, the Orpingtons really feather out sooner. The pullets wing feathers will go towards the back end, and eventually around to the bum area.. almost tuck kind of around. The cockerels will feather out more up and have a more square look to them..hard to describe, but hope it helps. I have found that size in babies doesn't always mean girl or boy. Because, you never know the size of egg it came from. If it's a cockerel though, it will eventually catch up in growth if it is small in the beginning..of course! :)
Are you able to take pictures? How old are they? Maybe I can get a picture of my babies again before they sell, had someone call on them...I know for sure I have a girl and some boys now. You could see the difference in them, even at this young age.
me too!

I took a peek at one of the eggs today, it had veins!

what kind of eggs are you stteing
I'm in :) Set my eggs under a broody on Saturday 2/25/12 at noon!

Only 8 under her right now. She started out with more, but there was an accident, and she couldn't keep all of them warm.
I am brand new to this. I thought it would be easy. After reading these posts, I'm begining to lose confidence. I built my incubator from online instructions and can hold my temp. and humidity. I was going to wait until I had a dozen or so of eggs. NOT, I'm starting with one. Wish me luck.
Oh I want to join! I had a Buff Orphangton go broody so I stuffed 15 eggs under her from FEB 21st-24th. And Now I'm collecting them to set in an incubator. I started collecting Feb 25th and will stop MAR 3rd. I found a local guy who hatches for .50 a chick. The great thing is he has a web cam and post it. So if you want to see hatching chicks he hatches every week-end. Right now looks like he has Black copper marans. Also his pug has puppies soo cute. My eggs are green/blue ones from Ameraucana's and EE's, Black copper Maran, giant silver lace cochin and the one BO. I think she has 2 of hers under her. I will be setting at least 36 on the 3rd of march. All have a splash maran roo over them. The end result will be blue feathers and chocolate and olive eggers. And some fluffy mutts from the cochin/maran mix and BO/maran mix LOL . This is Buffy My BO you can't tell she has 15 large/exlarge eggs under her. I moved her to the chicken tractor so the others will leave her alone. I been using the tractor as a half way house for chick. I can clamp a heat lamp in the top if needed. This is the first time it's been used by a broody hen.

Our chicken tractor. It's big enough for 3 large chickens. Perfect for a mama and babies
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I have the fluffiest EE's you ever did see set. I had some of these before, and they are reallly puffy in the face at hatching!

I candled this morning, not so sure, the eggs are so dark, but could see veins on a few! Hope the ones I can't see into already mean that something is happening. Will have to wait for day 7 to see real movement.

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