Setting eggs anyone want to join?

Oh and I tried to candle two of my lightest colored eggs and I couldn't tell anything. But then I'm just a newbie at this.

If they are blue, or green eggs..can be hard to see anything for sure. They get dark fast, and of course if they are marans..they are waay dark..almost impossible to ever see anything in them. I candled the other day with my blue and green eggs, and decided to wait a couple more days. So, maybe tomorrow will be better. If you see just thick veining at this point, that is good! Sometimes we can see veining in the beginning, but they are small veins, they get thicker the further along the chick, if I see those, and not see a chick move, I don't worry.
i have candled mine are on day five and most seem to be fertile and veining!


Now, if I could only see some in mine!!
tried candling some brown eggs and couldnt see in them even in a closet with no light coming through so im probably going to buy a new light tomorrow. any suggestions on candling lights?
just sitting back being patient. LOL. I will wait until Sunday afternoon to candle, then probably only a few. This is my first go with the Sportsman 1502, not real confident as all my eggs were pullets that had just started laying with new roos. Will start another 30 eggs on this Sunday. I hope to get up to 60 eggs every Sunday, just uped their feed to 10% calfmanna and on with the lights for 18 hours a day. I don't push my hens too hard with artifical light, they need the vacation during the winter. We are just now getting to 12 hours of natural light. Does anyone know how many eggs I should put in the 1502 hatcher drawers? Guess I should read the instructions. Gotta get to work on my brooder shelf before the chick explosion!.

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