Setting eggs anyone want to join?

Whew, day 7, I see more veining tonight in more eggs than I thought I would. I just may have some pictures for all to see after all by the end of this hatch!
Bad news. My 4 year old thought it was a good idea to raid the nest. I lost all 15 eggs under my broody. Poor Buffy has to start over. I put 2 golf balls under her and will start collecting eggs from her again. On the up side, I put 46 eggs in the incubator today. My little girls has lost her chicken licence!
Bad news. My 4 year old thought it was a good idea to raid the nest. I lost all 15 eggs under my broody. Poor Buffy has to start over. I put 2 golf balls under her and will start collecting eggs from her again. On the up side, I put 46 eggs in the incubator today. My little girls has lost her chicken licence!

Oh nooo! So sorry. 4 years old. Just high enough to reach the nest box ey? At least you can set some more. I don't have a rooster, I would have to be buying some eggs. Hope things go well with those in the bator!
I'm new at this. I just set 24 Welsummer eggs and 6 Americaunas on Friday morning. How can you see the heartbeat or see them moving? When you candle? Do you think I will be able to see anything with Welsummer and green and blue eggs? Someone told me I won't at all, even later on.

I'm new at this. I just set 24 Welsummer eggs and 6 Americaunas on Friday morning. How can you see the heartbeat or see them moving? When you candle? Do you think I will be able to see anything with Welsummer and green and blue eggs? Someone told me I won't at all, even later on.


yeah my darker eggs are harder for me to see but you can try candling in a very dark room and a strong led flashlight
got a new light and candled 8 of my 22 eggs (including brown and blue/green eggs) just few minutes and seen veining of in all but one
. so i cracked it to see what was going on and it wasnt fertile, dont think my fat rooster catches my skinny leghorn to often lol.
Nicolla, I have some blue and green eggs that I set just 4 days ago, and I am already seeing veins. You may want to wait until day 6 the earliest if you are new at the candling. You should be able to see something in some. Good luck! Wellsummers..hard to peek into~yes!
got a new light and candled 8 of my 22 eggs (including brown and blue/green eggs) just few minutes and seen veining of in all but one
. so i cracked it to see what was going on and it wasnt fertile, dont think my fat rooster catches my skinny leghorn to often lol.

good to hear, and god luck with the hatch

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