Setting eggs anyone want to join?

Okay, 4 of the 6 eggs I got from the Amish farmer never did a thing... even though each egg was clearly fertile.

The other eggs I have, only 2 failed to show any progress when I candled them. One was completely scrambled in it's shell... I mean COMPLETELY scrambled in it's shell. Shipping it did it no favors. The other one didn't seem to be fertile.

So, I'm now sitting on (not literally) 12eggs which are apparently fertile and progressing well.

Happy dance!!
Lil, I know the feeling. I lay down, thinking of chickens. Oh boy. I only have 5 of the ones that I started with for this hatching thread..EE's. But, I do have some that are due to hatch this Fri. Talk about nervous. They are Araucanas, and Cochins. I have folks wanting some, but I only have 6 cochins in lock down, one being marked as a splash, and I want that one if it's a girl. The Araucanas, they are hard to hatch. I think..I have 8 viable in lock down. I'm going to be a nervous wreck until this hatch is finished. Because they are pure Araucanas, they have that no last vertabre that confuses the hatching process. Tufts on the face, but no bum on some. Some have a tail. I want a tufted rumples really bad. A girl of course.
So, that's what I am worried about the most.
I have so many BBS pure Ameraucanas set too. I took three out to my little bantam cochin that went broody for the first there is another thing to worry about..hoping she stays on the eggs. So far so good.

Yes..I have a sleeping problem, that's why I am on here and not in bed..I need bed. Now. Hope you get some sleep tonight Lil. :)
Candled my eggs tonight... down by three. 2 weren't fertile but were really dark shells to cull earlier. The third had development on the inside, clearly got started and then quit between last candle and tonight's. Didn't really look like anything, but opened them all up over the toilet "Just in case". I didn't want a freak show sliding down the kitchen sink. Thankfully nothing that bizarre.

So we have 9 active, blood vessel pumping, viable eggs set to hatch in a week! Happy hatching everyone!

How is everyone else doing?

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