Setting eggs anyone want to join?

I am not sure what happened but I set my eggs on the 26th and I came home to two chicks in my incubator. One somehow made its way down to the bottom of the sportsman, the other sadly got squished when the auto turner rotated. The one that made his way down to the bottom seems like it is doing great. I went ahead and put the eggs into the hatcher that were set with them just in case anymore decide to be early birds.

Anyone have any idea what may have happened?
Your temperature was probably on the high side
This post got me up, out of my chair, checking my temps and my eggs again. No pips, peeps or chicks.... whew!! I have small eggs and felt at times I was running around 100 to 100.5... so I watched my temps closely. I'm sorry you lost one. Glad to hear the other made it. Know what kind it was that hatched early on you?

I am not sure what happened but I set my eggs on the 26th and I came home to two chicks in my incubator. One somehow made its way down to the bottom of the sportsman, the other sadly got squished when the auto turner rotated. The one that made his way down to the bottom seems like it is doing great. I went ahead and put the eggs into the hatcher that were set with them just in case anymore decide to be early birds.

Anyone have any idea what may have happened?
The chick is still doing great, no other eggs have pipped or anything so I am guessing that those two may have been collected from a broody that was already sitting on them. The incubator is a Sportstman and it keeps the temp rock solid at 99.5. I'll post with any other changes and I will post a pic of the little one that has had already.
My only 4 that I had inside, and got sneaky and took them out to my broody and switched on here, went into lock down Tues..expecting some pips at least in them by this afternoon, but may not be able to tell, or hear anything until morning. Due to hatch tomorrow. She is sticking on those eggs, she can probably feel them bumping around in there. Little EE's. I candled the ones that I brought in from her, only three from some others I had ordered, BBS Ameraucanas, and they are doing well, due to hatch next week, I just gave her a week off.
just got my first pip about an hour ago
. the hole is about a 1/4 in so i think he or she wants out and isnt waiting til saturday lol. everyone else is still quiet for now. hope this baby hatching early dont have problems when it hatches.
he or she is definitely working hard its got about a half inch hole now and while watching that one i seen another egg pip right next to the first pipped egg.

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