Setting eggs anyone want to join?

Glad to hear pips are coming. I'm quiet over here. Though I confess to be looking for peeps and listening for peeps at least once an hour. I'm thinking about sleeping in the same room as the incubator since we have a nice bunk bed in there. I think I'm making myself crazy.

he or she is definitely working hard its got about a half inch hole now and while watching that one i seen another egg pip right next to the first pipped egg.
Glad to hear pips are coming. I'm quiet over here. Though I confess to be looking for peeps and listening for peeps at least once an hour. I'm thinking about sleeping in the same room as the incubator since we have a nice bunk bed in there. I think I'm making myself crazy.

think my bad luck is coming back to me. i left the incubator for 4 hours and came back to a bigger hole in the first pip egg and it leaked a bunch of yolk and the chick has not moved since so think it might have died. also came back to 2 more pip so now i got 4 with one possibly dead.
pulled the first egg to pip out of the incubator and sure enough it died. looked like it drowned in its own liquid
. anyone know what caused this?
Not sure when you all started exactly. I'm on day 7 of my first hatch! Just candled, out of 36 original we had to toss 9. The rest look awesome, we're very excited. Unfortunately we only had 4 Mottled Houdan eggs and they were all infertile, but the good news is the rest are pure silkies from our own eggs!
pulled the first egg to pip out of the incubator and sure enough it died. looked like it drowned in its own liquid
. anyone know what caused this?

I'm not sure of why, I really don't like it when that happens. I always wonder, what is that liquid? Was it a shipped egg by chance? I'm going to start noticing if it only happens with the shipped eggs. I have had eggs come to me with water looking stuff floating at the top. Had one of the gals that I got them from say, it was because of the eggs getting cold..then getting warm by sitting somewhere in a P.O. Makes sense. Something else I need to take note this only happening in the winter? Hmmm...sorry you lost a chick..good luck with the others!!
I'm not sure of why, I really don't like it when that happens. I always wonder, what is that liquid? Was it a shipped egg by chance? I'm going to start noticing if it only happens with the shipped eggs. I have had eggs come to me with water looking stuff floating at the top. Had one of the gals that I got them from say, it was because of the eggs getting cold..then getting warm by sitting somewhere in a P.O. Makes sense. Something else I need to take note this only happening in the winter? Hmmm...sorry you lost a chick..good luck with the others!!

i wish it was just a ship egg problem but no these were my own eggs and i collect them every 3 times a day for 5 days. what came out of the egg was yolk, what it drowned in i have no idea because it was just clear liquid. not sure how chicks hatch to but the one that died had his top of head facing the narrow end of the egg so when he was chipping away you would always see the bottom of his beak coming out and now the other one is hatching the same way
and instead of zipping sideways they are chipping upwards on the egg.

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