Setting eggs anyone want to join?

so far now i have 3 chicks out and 2 more piped. the ones that are out already im a little worried because they are dragging around 3 inches of slimy stringy stuff that is coming from there belly i hope its not there intestines and is just a umblical cord if chickens have them?
got 2 more chicks out
i locked mine down last nite and got my first pip this morning. and then no more, is this good or bad, or normal?

Normal? Well, happens, quite often actually. May stay pipped for the full 24 hrs..then hatch, and get your others going. Are they normal size eggs, or bantam eggs?
Ok, no more eggs for my broody! Went out to check her this morning..this is hatch day, and there lay a chick right beside her. I just knew it was dead. Picked it up, it was cold and lifeless. My hubby came out and I took it over to him. Told him it was one of the colors I was hoping for too. Well, I felt it move! I mean this chick was just hanging it's head down, it's eyes were closed in that not so good way. I literally ran into the house, turned on the lamp to a brooder I have ready for my other eggs due to hatch next week, and held it up to the light to warm it and just watched. I really didn't think it would make it. It started to move more. Then it chirped! I put it down once it felt warm, and just kept going back and touching it to stimulate it. Then it started to open it's eyes now and again..that baby is now up and at em. I'm asking on my State thread for help in naming my miracle baby. Anyone here know of a good name to think on? I'm not real great at's a picture of what looks to be a girl already.
There was another chick hatched, that was staying under her. But mom got up, went for food and water, left the baby, and the other two eggs there that had pipped..were actually more than pipped. I just brought the other eggs in and put them in a bator to finish up. Another is hatched, one more to go. Only had 4 make it to lock down. Leaving just the one chick with her..not putting the others out with her.
so far now i have 3 chicks out and 2 more piped. the ones that are out already im a little worried because they are dragging around 3 inches of slimy stringy stuff that is coming from there belly i hope its not there intestines and is just a umblical cord if chickens have them?

Yep, sounds normal..

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