Setting eggs anyone want to join?

UPDATE: red tube baby has died this morning. the one that pipped yesterday has hatched and looks healthy but also had long slimy thing dragging so i snipped it before it could pull anything major out of its belly like the others who died. so looks like i will at least have 4 healthy babies.still got 8 more eggs in the bator with no activity so hopefully i will have more hatch soon.

I'm sorry AZ, sounds like it just wasn't fully developed :( Keep on going!!! *crosses fingers*

I FINALLY have 1 egg externally pipped and it's one of the shipped ones!
I'm sorry AZ, sounds like it just wasn't fully developed :( Keep on going!!! *crosses fingers*

I FINALLY have 1 egg externally pipped and it's one of the shipped ones!

yeah i was certain they would die. i will keep going and next time i will invest in a good thermometer/hygrometer so i dont get early babies. good luck to on your hatch.
They are darling! What are they..maybe you posted somewhere else..

The eggs come from, Bantams, silkies and polish. The bigger ones are americauna and ri reds and barred rocks.

So at this point it's anybody's guess! LOL
well cracked the remainder of my eggs that were not doing anything in the bator and they all had died probably shortly after lock down looks as though the membrane dried and stuck to them.
I still have three that did nothing. It's my day 23 and I'm just waiting a couple of days to make sure. But no movement, no peeping, no pips. I have 6 very lively, happy and apparently healthy chicks. I couldn't be happier.

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