Setting eggs Memorial Day Weekend! :) They're hatching!!!

I just candled!! I was going to wait until tomorrow but I couldn't wait. All 8 of my Barred Rocks are doing what they are supposed to do with good air cells and veins and little chick eye balls.

The 11 Marans are a bit harder. I am pretty sure I have 1 unfertilized egg but I am going to keep it and check it again later (I marked it). My other 10 marans have good air cells. I can see a hint of veining in a few of them but most of them are too dark. I'm going to assume they are Ok. I don't know how I will recognize a quitter in this group. Do I just look for movement?

I have potential to end up with a bunch of cute little chicks!!
YAY!! Congrats on your progress. I started mine on Saturday so I am going to wait a few more days to check them. I don't want to get my hopes up too high.... Every day after work I practically stumble out of my car and race to my front door so I can check on my eggs.
When is everyone else going to candle?
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Welcome lnfcef, Word, Pioneer and Detali!!! More hatch buddies! This is awesome

Sport you are tooo sweet! And congrats on the candling. I've had a really hard time keeping myself from candling everyday. I managed to stop myself today, but I'll bet I'll try again tomorrow. My EE eggs (which are bluish green) are hard to see through too.

Seqioua I couldn't help myself. I candled on both Monday and Tuesday. I figure if I'm making Chole get off the nest anyway, I'm not going to hurt anything if I pick up the eggs real quick and carefully. Haha! I even make sure to put them back exactly the way she had them. I'm going to try to hold off until Friday, but I'll probably try again tomorrow. Last time I couldn't see much in the EE eggs, so it's got me itching to try again.

Aj1 I hope you can get it all figured out. Maybe if you give everyone some more info about your bator we could help more.

Oh and of course, Day 4 is gone!!! Woot! 17 more to go. Boy that sounds like a long time!
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Can I join in? It's my first time and I got 9 mallard eggs and set them on the 28th. Today is day 5. I lightly candled them on day 3 and saw some spider veins and yesterday too. I couldn't wait! I think my temps were a little high so they might have gone faster. They were shipped, so some had air cells that were slightly messed around with even after being allowed to set a day. Those 4 are in automatic turners so the wobbly air cell is at top, and the ones with air cells that stabilized, 5 of them, are being hand turned. I am hoping for a hatch of 4, not too many but enough to keep each other company!
I candled yesterday as well. I have about 30 eggs so I only done a few. All that I done so far are good. I cant really do the Americana eggs right now cause of their color. I might get the wife back there today with me and take a pic. There was one you could see really good. Chick with the eye and veins. The others could be seen but would move and hard to get in a good stable spot. The ones I did were some of the black old english bantams. Bout time to get the big Incubator up and running for the next group I am putting in this weekend. The next 2 weeks will be rough. I have a small mix bantam hen with Silver duckwing rooster sitting on her eggs (11 eggs) A white silkie hen sitting on her 9 eggs and a black silkie hen sitting on her 9 eggs while the splash is still laying her eggs. With them and the incubator it will have me hatching about 50 chicks out in 2 weeks or so. lol. Now that will be a good chirping day!
I tried my best to leave my clutch of eggs alone, but I couldn't resist. I candled at day 6. I have a few white eggs in there, which are much easier to see than what I'm used to. My DH was not much help in hiding my light source. I can't wait! I am on day 8! Does anyone know where I can find a water wiggler?
What's a water wiggler? Haha!

Well I candled again this morning while hiding under a coat for darkness. And now I'm more confused. My lightest colored egg (Chole's lil one) is definitely developing nicely. The BR egg, and the 3 EE eggs, I have no idea. They're dark on the top half and light on the bottom. Other than that I can't tell a thing. Do y'all think a stronger flashlight would help? Or perhaps I should just stop candling and wait to find out.
Same for us! Our hen just went broody for her first time yesterday. She is setting on 11 eggs.

That's really cool, Pioneer Chicken! How is she doing? My 'broody' has laid two eggs and I'm worried she isn't really broody.
Mine are due for the 21st also, can't wait! I did lose my other one at 11 days, it was my first try.Hope to have better luck this time and good luck to every one else.
Some of my Barred Rocks look like that. I could see the air cell but then the little part of the egg was really light. At first I thought it was another air cell. Could it be that the chick is in the middle of the egg and there is just not much down there at the bottom?

I found a really good light (Coleman 110 lumens) at Walmart for $20 then I found another one, that looks just as good at my Walgreens Pharmacy for $2.99! Which I'd seen that one first!


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