Setting eggs Memorial Day Weekend! :) They're hatching!!!

Congrats on your pips everybody! It won't be long now. This morning I awoke to 5 cheeping, active Barred Rock chicks.
I think one more may have pipped but the chicks are all over the place in the incubator and I really can't tell how it is progressing anymore. No Black Copper Marans though.
I am very disappointed. The one that pipped yesterday is still in there but is now being kicked around by the chicks so I can't really see how he's doing now.

As soon as they fluff up I can take them out right? That would let the other eggs can have a little peace, and then I can tell what they are doing, if anything. My humidity is really high right now so I think I can do it and get it right back up again. Suggestions on how to get 5 chicks out really fast??
Went to bed at 4am. Got up at 8am. Had pips at 4am. Now I have 7 babies in there. Bunch left to go as I set about 26 eggs in this incubator.

Edited at 2pm since the others have hatched now.
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We just came from the coop and there was the cutest little chick peeking out from under mama!! The kids are so excited and so am I! We can't see any others right now and didn't dare move her to check. If this is the only one hatched out right now, could more hatch over the next few hours or is this one probably the only one? Sorry, this is a first for us so we are learning as we go.
wvmom could take a while, especially with a broody. If anyone added eggs to her nest after she started you could be looking at some time. If not, I'd say a few days, but good luck all the same!!!


All four brahmas are going to hatch!!! Yay, thought they'd never make it. One out, three pipped, but one is mid-assist so shouldn't count that one yet, really.
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Yay! 4 brahmas out, that's 4 of 4 (one assised though), one orp out, two more pipped, two doing nothing yet but the odd shake. Could this be a 100% hatch from lockdown? Only lost one orp as early quitter...
Guys I'm getting soooo jealous over here. I've had nothing but shaking so far! But that's normal I suppose, being as my eggs aren't due until Saturday.

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