Setting eggs this weekend! Aug 14th! any hatching buddies?

anyone have a pic of a blood ring?
so day 11 and if I see nothing...not fertile or what?
Here is a pretty good link with photos and explanation.

As for those that look clear still...if they are really clear, then they are probably not developing. At the same time, I had one that doesn't look to have alot going on, but isn't might just be that you aren't getting the best possible view. I would suggest trying again at Day 14 on those.
Hey, BloominOrchid. I'm in Maryland and picked up some of those potluck silkies too! Didn't get them unitl this past weekend and jus set them on the 24th so I'm 10 days behind you. I use a forced air Hova Bator with auto-turner. I have made about 5 or 6 attempts at hatching: some hatches are amazing and some were duds. I've had better luck with eggs that weren't shipped but one of my best hatches were shipped buff orpingtons. So, it's a gamble every time. Each hatch teaches you something new. You WILL loose some. It's part of the process. Some of the things I've experieced are: if I leave an egg in the bator the full hatch time that I'm not sure of, it DOESN't "burst" or foul the just doesn't hatch and then I know for sure. Another thing: I have helped chicks out of the shell when I feel that the chick has been at it for more than 24 hours and may be stuck to the shell. So, those are two things that don't follow conventional advice but have been my experience. Please keep this thread going and post pics of what you end up with!
I made one with ziplock sandwich baggies: just double layered two of them and then "rollled' them and taped them so that there was a "tunnel" in the middle that I could put a temp probe into. I think it worked just fine.
I am very lucky to be only about 40 minutes from her and have to chime in and say that it is fun to visit her place and be greeted by the menagerie of critters. I'm a critter nut but only have one acre. If I had her property, I'd be in so much trouble.
I am very lucky to be only about 40 minutes from her and have to chime in and say that it is fun to visit her place and be greeted by the menagerie of critters. I'm a critter nut but only have one acre. If I had her property, I'd be in so much trouble.

We spend a lot of time with Gretchen. We were actually supposed to be there yesterday and today, but got halfway there and my car broke down. She's holding some birds for us, so we will be making a day trip sometime soon to get them. Gretchen is AWESOME!
Try cooked sphagetti's awesome watching them running around crazily with noodle "worms" trying to keep them away from eachother. Watching chickens is SO therapeutic.

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