Setting eggs today, 6-30-12...anyone else want to join in the fun???

Hello all - I've been out of town for a bit and am so glad to be home. My little chick that hatched 9 days ago is doing great. S/he is spoiled rotten! My son took great care of her/him while I was gone. When I got home I swear s/he recognized my voice.

I currently have five eggs (Silver Spangled Hamburgs again) in my bator that I am planning on candling today or tomorrow. Lock down will be August 5th.

Does anyone know how soon before I can tell if my chick is a he or a she. I've got names picked out either way. If it a she her name is Matilda, if its a he his name will be Mr. Magoo

Wow... it's hard to believe you are almost at lockdown again! I've been super busy, so time is just flying by. Did you candle yet? If so, how'd they look? I am keeping my fingers crossed that you have a good hatch!

As far as your chick being a he or she... its hard to say when you'll know for sure. Some seem obvious early on and others seem to keep me guessing for a while. Can you post a pic? It's probably too early to tell boy or girl yet, but I always love seeing pics!
I thought I would share a picture of the wedding cake I delivered today. It was awful, the cake slide in my car and one tier came all the way off. I have never had this happen before. I think a combination of the heat, humidity and dirt roads just took a toll on the cake. Thank God for flowers. :) The ceremony and reception were outside and it was threatening to rain, so the cake had to hang out in there garage until they needed not the best background shot, but still ended up a pretty cake. My chickens are all doing great and I am excited for new eggs to come to get those incubators fired back up again!!!

WOW!!! You have a wonderful talent!!! I went to your facebook page too... my girls had fun picking out their favorites!

Sorry I've been MIA...Just super busy and trying to complete major projects over the weekend. Right now I want to go to sleep, but it's only 5:30. I have just a few more things that must be done, and then I think I will turn in early, or at least get a nap. One of my ducklings doesn't seem to want to grow, so I'm giving it some extra care to see if I can help it. Other than that all is good here.
I lost every single one of my eggs in the bator. Including the conures and lovebird eggs. Is cleaning the eggs not good enough? Do I need to vaccinate ALL of the birds? The chicken eggs were all duds. I'm not concerned about them. But my others I am. My last sun conure egg was due to hatch today. It was alive two days ago so I pulled it from the bator and put it with my mommy green cheek who never leaves the box and I spritzed her and the remainder of her ready eggs with water. Her mate is a good hubby and sits with her. All the chicks died in both the incubator and nest boxy before they were due to hatch.

What am I doing wrong? I swear this little giant incubator hates me. Part of me wants to give up. Part of me wants to hang my pagan belief signs of fertility and protection in my bird room and my chicken coop (I only wanted a couple babies to spoil all over) and another part of my says just sell them all, I'm unemployed, on too many meds with too many bills to pay. But they are all my babies. In fact I'm to get another pair of cocktails here shortly. I already have 12 tiels, what's two more?

I don't want to give up my babies. I spoiled each and everyone of them. Including the baby snapping turtle who is so fat he's gonna burst from his shell. And he's eating tetra fauna food sticks. No fish! Lol! I'll post pics of this last conure eggs once I fire up my lap top. Right now my morning dose of meds is wiping me out.

Luv you guys you're the best support I've ever had in any forum. Not like the thread where I asked about the genders of my two "meat" CR chickens that were my babies and I was a cornered rabbit by many hungry wolves. I had to tearfully give up spot and Camilla to a neighbors aunt for their own good anyway. Congestive heart failure for 20 pound Spot and legs ready to break for my precious 20+ pound Camilla who was a boy anyway. I eat chicken in fact I love it but I did not want any of the meat back and I have hard time walking down the whole roaster aisle while grocery shopping. Mandy can do that. And so can my kids because they just don't understand.
I'm so sorry to hear about your bad luck with the eggs.
I don't know what could have gone wrong... you said the chicken eggs were duds. Do you mean not fertile? That can happen with young birds whan they first get going and if I remember right these were some first eggs from your pullets. I don't think you mentioned the age of your boy(s). So maybe that could be it?

I don't know anytning about hatching conures... that sounds way to advanced for me! So I can't help, but I did want to give you a hug because I know how disappointing it is to have eggs that are fine right up until the end and then don't make it..
(Sorry I didn't respond until now... I hadn't looked at this thread in many days.)

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