Setting Eggs Today? I am, hatch with me?


9 Years
Jan 7, 2011
New Kent
I set 13 silkie and cochin eggs last night, and hope to add some shipped eggs tonight if they arrive (if they have even shipped), but these can only wait so long. I would love a hatching buddy if anyone else is setting.
I set this morning...I'll be a buddy. Fourteen splash marans that I got from Peachick...can't wait.
We set ours on 4/8 - and they were laid anywhere from 4/4 - 4/8 and they were pulled from a broody hen. Dark Brahamas with a possible mix bantam in there - they'll be a suprise
I set a dozen guinea eggs last night. It's my first attempt and I'm super nervous. I have an LG 9200 still air with a turner. The flukers hygrometer is showing 30% (all troughs had water last night), and the temp is all over, depending on which of the 4 thermometers you look at. The LG cheapie is showing 99.5, there are two livestock rectal thermometers (with the silver liquid line, not red) - one of those is laying on the turner and showing 100.5, the other is in a water wiggler and showing 102. The flukers round thermometer looks to be showing around 96. Is 102 too high for the wiggler? I've turned it slightly down and it's taking forever to lower. I'm afraid I've already cooked my eggs! It was a tad higher this morning.

I would love to have moral support!!
Wow! Howdy Everybody!

I set 8 buff silkie eggs, and 6 Millie Fleur Cochins all collected from either my own or my friends chickens, and was supposed to be setting 6+ Wheaton Ameraucana's which were supposed to ship the first of this week- but the breeder never sent me email conformation that they had shipped. I don't know if they had a glitch and didn't ship or forgot to shoot me the conformation email, but they haven't arrived yet, and I have been collecting eggs for over a week. So set what I had before I lost them, too. This is my 4th hatch I think in my homemade incubator. I added a thermostat this week, so we shall see how this hatch goes. It should be interesting.

I see a lot of pretty chicks are to be expected, lots of interesting varieties. Good luck, everyone.
helo there this will be our first time hatching, i will set them later this evening to, kid of nervous, 15 BBS Ameraucana and 5 BBS Silkies that i purchase from a BYC member and BBS silkies that my silkie layed this week good luck to all of us...

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Decided to go ahead and put them in at 4pm today. The Ameraucanas that had been shipped on their side got a good 24 hour rest. The D'Anvers were shipped on point, so I don't think they needed as long. Plus I think they may be slightly older eggs than the Ameri's, so I wanted to get them going.

I'm not going to turn them for a few days, per suggestion from older, wiser, BYCers.

I'm so excited.. I keep going to the bator to STARE at them.. like they are going to do something.

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