Setting eggs tomorrow! Advice?

I had another little photo shoot with the chicks :)
You might be new to incubating, but you sure know your way around with a camera!
Thank you! Its a hobby of mine :)

So, all of mine have hatched. There are 10 total. One of my eggs started to zip earlier today, and I thought that I would come home from work to a new baby. Sadly, she didn’t make it. I thought that she might have needed help because she was halfway zipped and not moving, so I picked her up and she didn’t move. So after that, I opened up the air cell and she still didn’t move. I completely opened up the shell, and she didn’t move. I looked her over, and she had absorbed her yolk and was ready to hatch. I’m not really sure what went wrong because she looked perfect.
Anyways, I’m super glad for the 10 that hatched! They are adorable!

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