Setting eggs tomorrow night, 3/29/12, anyone want to hatch with us?

Woooo Hoooo! I'm just over the moon for the Orps.... at first I had my eye on the lavender ones too, but decided on those English BBS kids. Oooooh they're just lush, aren't they? I think they look like fluffy little tea cozies. I'd love to get you a hen from the hatch... certainly! As a matter of fact, don't tell the city of Long Beach, but in their infinite wisdom, they think we should be able to have 1 hen only.... let's just say ummmm, well, there'll be a few more. I'm not above bribery with eggs, though.

The Orp eggs should be on their way next Monday! I'm just super excited. We'll see how these Knotts Berry Farmies do and go from there. Glad I'm kind of "testing the waters" with these freebies from the park. We numbered the eggs and it appears we've got a name for the pretty certain chick due...."Ocho"

Could sit here and stare at the computer all day/night, but it's time to turn and talk to the eggs one last time.

Chat tomorrow! Jane
Woooo Hoooo! I'm just over the moon for the Orps.... at first I had my eye on the lavender ones too, but decided on those English BBS kids. Oooooh they're just lush, aren't they? I think they look like fluffy little tea cozies. I'd love to get you a hen from the hatch... certainly! As a matter of fact, don't tell the city of Long Beach, but in their infinite wisdom, they think we should be able to have 1 hen only.... let's just say ummmm, well, there'll be a few more. I'm not above bribery with eggs, though.

The Orp eggs should be on their way next Monday! I'm just super excited. We'll see how these Knotts Berry Farmies do and go from there. Glad I'm kind of "testing the waters" with these freebies from the park. We numbered the eggs and it appears we've got a name for the pretty certain chick due...."Ocho"

Could sit here and stare at the computer all day/night, but it's time to turn and talk to the eggs one last time.

Chat tomorrow! Jane
So the rain woke me up. It is pouring here!!! So I couldn't resist and went in to check on my eggs and I have 2 pips!! In my mutt eggs.... They are bantams and I gather they are often early and well I'm not complaining :D now how do I make myself go back to sleep and not stare at the bator all night??? I'm obsessed with the English orpingtons too! They are so fluffy & lovely. I hatched some really nice american orps a few months ago but I only got 2 blacks :( no blues ..... Did you see that new auction for pure English orps??? $100 bucks to test fertility of eggs!!!!!! Ummm if I spend that much $ I want fertile eggs ;) not possibly fertile eggs. I can't believe LB has a 1 hen rule. What??? That's crazy!!!! I don't think la has a restriction as long as you maintain the proper distance. Ok going to try to sleep..... Ahhhh the rain.... And well maybe one more peak in the bator :)
2 pips! Exciting! When did you set those bantam eggs? I have 2 bantams in the bator, and I'm wondering if I should put them into lockdown with the earlier batch. My chicks have always hatched on day 20. I'm not sure why. I thought my thermometer might be reading a little cool, but when I replaced it, they still hatched on day 20, and I always have at least 1 on day 19.
I set them on the 22nd at 5pm. So this is day 19.... This morning I checked and there was no more progress ... Feed my chickens came back and the one that had the tiny pip had started to zip!! And now I have a tiny Cochin bantam x silkie cross!! It just popped out of there in about 30 mins. Now I see I have another one pipped on the bottom and there are a few shards of shell..... The one with the huge pip has made no progress at all..... And none of the shipped eggs have pips :(

I read somewhere that day 20 and 4 hours is kinda the average hatch time..... I always seem to get one on day 19..... And a few on 20 -21 so I'm crossing my fingers and waiting. I always worry about shipped eggs as even if they look good at lockdown they seem more fragile.... And I have had mostly bad luck hatching them..... Oh how to pass the time... Oh yeah work that's what I have to do :p
I set them on the 22nd at 5pm. So this is day 19.... This morning I checked and there was no more progress ... Feed my chickens came back and the one that had the tiny pip had started to zip!! And now I have a tiny Cochin bantam x silkie cross!! It just popped out of there in about 30 mins. Now I see I have another one pipped on the bottom and there are a few shards of shell..... The one with the huge pip has made no progress at all..... And none of the shipped eggs have pips

I read somewhere that day 20 and 4 hours is kinda the average hatch time..... I always seem to get one on day 19..... And a few on 20 -21 so I'm crossing my fingers and waiting. I always worry about shipped eggs as even if they look good at lockdown they seem more fragile.... And I have had mostly bad luck hatching them..... Oh how to pass the time... Oh yeah work that's what I have to do

I set mine on the 22nd also but at 11pm. So today is day 19 for me as well. I had a pip the morning after I put them in lockdown. (still only day 18) I can hear it peeping but hasn't done much but make the hole a tiny bit bigger. I'm not worried yet as I usually get pips late on day 19 and 20. So since I don't expect much until late tonight and tomorrow.
I am so excited for hatch time! ^^Lavender orps, I want some of those so bad. I may have to mosey on over to the egg auctions and get some for next hatch..hehe
I have 2 out!!!!! and they knocked around some eggs to reveal a pip in a 4th!!!!

So far 1 from each of my girls ... 1 from my buff frizzle and 1 from my black cochin x White Silkie rooster!!!! The one hatched from my black cochin looks very white.... could it be a splash?? I have no concept of how chicken color genetics work
I'll post a pix when I get them off my phone.
I am so excited.... following your progress closely.
The rain got us too. I felt like an idiot but a very kind chicken Mom when I was out with the tarp @1130 last night, but the girls stayed dry. They do not like the wind though.... yikes, they're loud this afternoon.

I think the splashy colors are sooooo, well, splashy!
I don't have a clue. All I know is that I've become a true lover of all things chicken, and will not give up this passion until I'm forced to do so. Hoping the English Orpington eggs give us a good hatch. Hoping I still have friends in this thread to join me in the first real battle. I mean, paying for eggs? Am I nuts? Actually looking online for fertilized eggs.... my friends think I'm outta my mind. They may be right.

Can't wait to see the pics of the wee ones! Many many congratulations from your friend (skirting the law) in Long Beach.... Jane
aaggjg - How exciting! I'm looking forward to pictures!!!

Jane - I am a hardened crimimal myself! I once grew vegetables in a neighborhood with a strict "no vegetables" rule! I just planted lots of flowers everywhere to keep it pretty and shared with my neighbors. No one ever complained!
I could tell other stories... but perhaps not a good idea on a public forum!!!

Nikkipar - I agree it's a loooong wait!!! I'm a bit behind most of the group too.. I'm on day 11. So we'll have to help each other be patient while all of these early birds are hatching ahead of us!!!


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