Setting eggs tomorrow night, 3/29/12, anyone want to hatch with us?

anything yet?????!

Not yet! LOL!!! Probably at least 24 hrs yet...
Well, honestly, probably more like 24-72 hrs. Being optomistic! Congrats on the hatches guys! We'll definately keep you all posted, and provide pics when the come!!!
Whaaaaa! The mutts are down to 2. And I think we're just doing it for experience... however, I think it's good practice. We opened up the 5 that we just took out and it looks like they were all developing but stopped at some point... all at the same time, or so it appears. Sad. I'm so grateful that these eggs were mine to help if possible... they had a better chance with me than with KBF for sure.

Sorry to hear...
The experience was worth it im sure!!! Try, and try again! This is only our 2nd hatch... Very successful on the first, fingers crossed we did well again. Such a fun few weeks none the less, no matter how many we hatch!
I'm coming in late, just found this thread. I am currently on lockdown and going insane waiting for something to happen! Hopefully I'll wake up tomorrow to some pips.
Whaaaaa! The mutts are down to 2. And I think we're just doing it for experience... however, I think it's good practice. We opened up the 5 that we just took out and it looks like they were all developing but stopped at some point... all at the same time, or so it appears. Sad. I'm so grateful that these eggs were mine to help if possible... they had a better chance with me than with KBF for sure.

So sorry!!!
But you gave them a chance... like you said that is far more than they were going to get. Remember too... you have no idea how old those eggs were.

I really hope those last two make it!
Their whole story makes them seem extra special!!!

My Orps are on their way!! Should be in my loving care by Wednesday and into the bator by Thursday evening.... any suggestions with letting them "settle"? My goodness this really does take on a life of its own, doesn't it?

This is what I found after coming home from work today! I'd checked last evening because frequently I have eggs begin hatching on day 19. No pips seen. This little chickie was completly dry. Evidently has come out from under Gracie before. One of the Silky eggs has a crack in the shell, but so far I didn't see any other pips. They aren't DUE until tomorrow. This is Gracies 2nd hatching and she won't be a yr old until the 12th of May. (none of the eggs are hers. The eggs are EE, Cochin mix and Silky) Happy Happy Happy
Im joining late, sorry, but my eggs were due to hatch today. Got my first PIP about an hour ago on egg #2.( I only have 4 turkey eggs all together.) I'm hoping for more progress by the time I awake in the morning...well if I can stop checking the bator every 5 minutes tonight! :)
My Orps are on their way!! Should be in my loving care by Wednesday and into the bator by Thursday evening.... any suggestions with letting them "settle"? My goodness this really does take on a life of its own, doesn't it?
So I was advised by a few people not to turn shipped eggs for a week after putting them in the incubator. That way you give the air cell even more time to settle and reattach if need be.... What incubator are you using and do you have an auto turner?? I really am going to post pictures of these chicks ..... That way you'll see what I have to offer for one of your orps :p

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