Setting eggs tomorrow night, 3/29/12, anyone want to hatch with us?

I'm on day 20 and nothing is happening! I am so frustrated, I candled before lockdown and they seemed fine.

I'm also on day 20, anxiously awating some peeps... Hang in there with us, they'll be there/here soon!
So for all of you who are curious what that baby looked like all dried off!!! Here she is .....

She is a cross between my white silkie rooster and my buff/ orange frizzle cochin bantam ... Yep that makes a chipmunk stripy baby!!! Should be a sizzle????
She (and yes... she's definitely a she!) is beautiful!!!

Too bad you didn't hatch her as part of the Easter Hatchalong. They are having a cutest chick photo contest and SHE would have won for sure!!!

Appears I should have found you guys earlier! I set 18 chicken eggs on March 27 and the cheeping from the incubator woke me up a few hours ago. I had begun to worry a bit as yesterday was day 21. Now, after reading many of your posts, I realize I'm in a bit of a pickle. Along with the chicken eggs, I set 16 duck eggs and four goose eggs, which I need to keep opening the incubator (a still air Little Giant 9200) to turn. Didn't know anything about "lockdown." I am assuming the best I can do at this point is continue to turn the duck and goose eggs, minimizing the amount of time I have the lid off. I also did not candle any of the eggs, so at this point, I'll just wait and see. The good news is, I have two pipping and lots of chirping, despite the mistakes. I don't have a hygrometer - should I put in a wet sponge or paper towel to increase the humidity at this point? The rings in the bottom are full of water, as recommended in the directions.

I hope they all hatch today so I can sleep tomorrow.

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