Setting eggs tomorrow night, 3/29/12, anyone want to hatch with us?

How's everyone doing??? I think you all are staring at your incubators!!!

Well... not much to report here. I officially go on lockdown tonight, so I did some prep. My pervious hatches were done with the eggs on the wire floor of my incubator. I didn't like all the rolling around!!! I'm pretty sure I lost 2 chicks tht got turned upside down after pipping. So this time I'm experimenting! I have some in a cut down egg carton and some in little rings cut from a paper towel roll. The ones in the little rings are on their sides like they were on the floor, but they won't move as easily. The ones in the carton are more upright which just seems wrong to me, but I know others have success that way.

I'll top off the water trays tonight and then I'll officially be on lockdown! I thought I saw one little bantam egg rocking a bit ago, but then I realized that the slightest bump to my table rocks that particular egg, so that's probably all it was.

I thought I was impatient before... now I'm REALLY getting impatient!!!

I am hatching in egg cartons this round too. I cut a hole in the bottom of the egg cups so they will have good air circulation. I've had these eggs in the carton the whole time, just propped up on end then the other to "turn" them. I've had 4 hatch so far, the dont seem to have any trouble pipping, zipping or getting out of the egg at all.
I am hatching in egg cartons this round too. I cut a hole in the bottom of the egg cups so they will have good air circulation. I've had these eggs in the carton the whole time, just propped up on end then the other to "turn" them. I've had 4 hatch so far, the dont seem to have any trouble pipping, zipping or getting out of the egg at all.

Glad to hear it's working!!! (I know others have succ
Four of my 18 eggs hatched so far, and I can see pips on another 8 or so. Pretty slow, given that this is the 22nd day and they've been at it since 2:30 a.m. last night. 3 of the chicks are fluffy and vigorous, but the last one to hatch is dragging its yolk sack and has an air bubble the size of a small pea beneath the surface of the skin, on the right side of her neck. The yolk sack is rather large and still well attached, so I won't touch it. She seems strong, but the air bubble worries me. Any suggestions. I had to remove the 3 healthy chicks and place them in another incubator since they were getting aggressive with the other chick and its egg sack. Had to open it to turn my duck and goose eggs, anyway.

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