Setting eggs tomorrow night, 3/29/12, anyone want to hatch with us?

So I just went down to tuck the girls in to find that my bantam Cochin is broody!! She hissed at me and ruffled her feathers and would not budge when I tried to push her off the nest!! Of course tonight is lockdown..... Ummmm she'd probably think she is a super chicken if I put those eggs under her.... :p
I did set a few silkies on Saturday so I could put those under her..... Hmmmmm what to do what to do.

Ok going to lock down my few eggs that might hatch..... Did not look promising when I candled last night. :(
So I just went down to tuck the girls in to find that my bantam Cochin is broody!! She hissed at me and ruffled her feathers and would not budge when I tried to push her off the nest!! Of course tonight is lockdown..... Ummmm she'd probably think she is a super chicken if I put those eggs under her.... :p
I did set a few silkies on Saturday so I could put those under her..... Hmmmmm what to do what to do.

Ok going to lock down my few eggs that might hatch..... Did not look promising when I candled last night. :(

I have a silkie that been brody for 5 months and still is. I thought about putting eggs under her but last time i did something broke them.
Dont lose hope yet. :)
this is all just soooo exciting. I'm waiting to see if my mutts do anything. We're not gonna give up on them for a few days although I think at this point it's futile.

HOWEVER, on the positive and very super duper exciting side.... MY BBS ORPINGTON EGGS HAVE JUST BEEN SET!!

Super happy dance!!
All 15 of them are super pink, super sweet and just darling. I'm hoping that my hovabator is going to behave and stay on temp as it should..... I'm a wee bit nervous. Oh well... it's all an experience. A very super duper exciting experience!!

These eggs are my first purchase ever and I'm over the moon. Here's to a wonderful hatch, and I'm keeping my eyes on all of you here.... may your lovelies be out and dry and fluffy butt'ed very very soon!

Went in to lock down last night, saw 4 out of the 5 eggs rocking last night....however I don't see any rocking this morning :( My first hatch this year I had pips less than 12 hours after lock down, nothing this time....Hmmmmmm
Day 23, seven of the eggs hatched and an eighth is getting there. The poor fellow who hatched with too much yolk attached is not going to make it and I can't imagine that the other remaining 10 eggs will hatch. But.......we'll leave them in a couple more days while we wait for the ducks an geese to hatch over the next two weeks.

Recall that I was worried yesterday about not turning the duck and geese eggs (which take 7-14 days longer to hatch)? Well - one of you said not to worry and you were correct! The new hatchings scrambled over those babies rearranging all of the eggs. They even turned the giant goose eggs several times!
I have an egg thats been piped for 24 hours with no further zip, I still hear faint peeps, at what point should I help it?

ETA: I opened the bator and put a hot wet washcloth in, just in case my humidity was too low from taking out the chicks that hatched yesterday. We'll see if that works.
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I have an egg thats been piped for 24 hours with no further zip, I still hear faint peeps, at what point should I help it?

ETA: I opened the bator and put a hot wet washcloth in, just in case my humidity was too low from taking out the chicks that hatched yesterday. We'll see if that works.

I have heard it said many times, if the chick is not strong enough to make it out then it's better not to help. I think that it is a personal decision bc the helping can also hurt the chick, and which one can you live with.
I have heard it said many times, if the chick is not strong enough to make it out then it's better not to help. I think that it is a personal decision bc the helping can also hurt the chick, and which one can you live with.

Thank you! I think I'll wait till late this afternoon, if he's still not out I'll help. If he's going to die anyway I might as well tell myself I tried to save him. :)

Well, I was up almost all night, but when i woke up this morning, I had 5 chicks in the bator and 5 more that pipped!

If the other 5 make it I will be so happy i would dance a litte jog all over the house....! LOL

I only put in 13 egg's and one was a double, so if I hatch out 10 that would be an awesome hatch rate for my first real hatch~


one splash and 4 blues.....
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Well, I was up almost all night, but when i woke up this morning, I had 5 chicks in the bator and 5 more that pipped!

If the other 5 make it I will be so happy i would dance a litte jog all over the house....! LOL

I only put in 13 egg's and one was a double, so if I hatch out 10 that would be an awesome hatch rate for my first real hatch~


one splash and 4 blues.....
YAY! Thats great! Congrats!

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