Setting eggs tomorrow night, 3/29/12, anyone want to hatch with us?

oh here is a good piece of advice, dont use cupcake papers.
... LOL oh boy, what a mess that was!

Really? I'm curious here. I did the same and was really happy with the results. The eggs didn't roll everywhere, and I thought clean up was easy.
Im a new chick mommmy
1 down 16 to go
That is fantastic news!! :D do you have pips on any others?? I have been up twice during the night to stare at my eggs and I'm only on day 19 :p I usually have one early pip but so far nothing..... I'm trying the egg carton thing again so maybe I can't see them. Ok back to try and catch a little more sleep before work.
Im a new chick mommmy
1 down 16 to go

Yippee!!!! I am so happy for you!!!

How are the others looking... any pips? Your first chick will talk to the others and encourage them. Definitely leave her in the incubator... she doesn't need food or water for a couple of days and you do not want to drop the humidity on the others by opening the bator. So just enjoy watching!!!
That is fantastic news!!
do you have pips on any others?? I have been up twice during the night to stare at my eggs and I'm only on day 19
I usually have one early pip but so far nothing..... I'm trying the egg carton thing again so maybe I can't see them. Ok back to try and catch a little more sleep before work.

I know what you mean about loosing sleep!!! I spent a lot of time watching mine when I should have been sleeping last night too!

Isn't it crazy how we all drive ourselves nuts when nothing is happening and it's still early??? Even as I was advising others that it's OK.. still early... I was secretly driving myself nuts about my reds not pipping! I guess I still am. My mutt bantams, which were my old eggs that I wan't expecting much from are pipping and hatching like crazy. (9 out so far.) Meanwhile my reds, which have hatched well for me before and were very fresh (a few 1 day old, most layed that day) are doing almost nothing. So far just one has pipped. (Is there such a thing as eggs that are too fresh?) So now I'm taking my own advice... "it's still only day 20"..."it's still only day 20"..."it's still only day 20"...
Taking notes.... I will be sending pictures out and asking for all the colors/sex of all as soon as they show up.... please please please be available in 22 days?? oooooh please!!! soooo beautiful

Well... I'm not nearly as knowledgable as others here, but I'm loading up my incubator again next week (4/26) in my daughter's 5th grade classroom. So I'll definitely be hanging out for moral support!!! It's one thing to worry about failing at home, quite another to worry about it in front of a classroom full of kids! These are mostly kids that live in subdivisions and probably have little exposure to the realities of life... like not every chick is going to make it. The teacher and I have talked a lot and she will prepare them so as long as we get at least a decent hatch I'm sure they'll be fine, but still... There is no guarantee of that decent hatch!!! I'll need any and all moral support I can get!!! So I'll be sticking around... anyone else???
Yippee!!!! I am so happy for you!!!

How are the others looking... any pips? Your first chick will talk to the others and encourage them. Definitely leave her in the incubator... she doesn't need food or water for a couple of days and you do not want to drop the humidity on the others by opening the bator. So just enjoy watching!!!

Thanks everyone I am so excited......I have one more pipping right now and the others are not doing anything yet...
I will keep everyone posted as they come
Here is something interesting: I'd mentioned I moved my Broody hen into the shed where I also have the Brooder. I've about 9 chicks of variouse ages in the brooder. I have the door to the brooder open so they have the shed to scratch around in, yet have access to the heat lamp.

Momma Cochin hatched 2 chicks. An EE and a black Silky. For what ever reason on day 3 the EE died. Now the Momma hen is trying to foster some of the older chicks. I've seen a 3 wk old Salmon Faverolle slip into her feathers to warm up. Chicks from ages 2 wks to 6 weeks eat from her beak, and they all come running when she clucks "Food, Food".

She is an awsome Momma!
I'm going to collect eggs again on May 6 & 7 and set them on the 7th. That's an appropriate day to set if you're going by the moon phase. I seem to have best results when I do that.
Will see is my neighbor is willing to part w/some more EE eggs.

I've 3 Cochen hens. Gracie has hatched her eggs, and the other two are sitting. One due on 5/1 And the other on 5/4. Also have eggs in the Incubator due 4/28. Candled them last night (11 eggs) all are vialbe except one possible bad egg.
I know what you mean about loosing sleep!!! I spent a lot of time watching mine when I should have been sleeping last night too!

Isn't it crazy how we all drive ourselves nuts when nothing is happening and it's still early??? Even as I was advising others that it's OK.. still early... I was secretly driving myself nuts about my reds not pipping! I guess I still am. My mutt bantams, which were my old eggs that I wan't expecting much from are pipping and hatching like crazy. (9 out so far.) Meanwhile my reds, which have hatched well for me before and were very fresh (a few 1 day old, most layed that day) are doing almost nothing. So far just one has pipped. (Is there such a thing as eggs that are too fresh?) So now I'm taking my own advice... "it's still only day 20"..."it's still only day 20"..."it's still only day 20"...
I know exactly what you mean!! I can advise others so well but have a hard time taking my own advice.... I just need to see one pip then I'm okay.... I have had one total failed hatch before with no pips so now once I see a pip I relax a little! I'm cleaning out a bigger brooder for my 13 week olds to pass the time.... :D I sold 8 of my chicks / older hens last night..... Somehow at the last second the splash maran I was always planning on keeping got sold.... Oh well time to hatch more Marans eggs :lol: I'm going to try and put some under my broody! I just need to get eggs ASAP! She didn't even come out for breakfast this morning! Probably because I snatched her eggs yesterday when she ran out for food .....

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