Setting eggs tomorrow night, 3/29/12, anyone want to hatch with us?

Here are my 5 little Marshmallows (AKA Silkies)

Could not resist a FUZZY BUTT Shot

These were all out of large eggs that came from my production reds. Looks to me like a game of "which of these things doesn't belong here..."

See what I mean? Here the dark one is with two of the bantam chicks. They really look a lot alike!

Here is the last little bantam with one of the reds... big and little!

Finally, the whole rainbow!!!

OK, that's it... hope you all enjoyed!

These are the prettiest babies...... I sent you a couple of PM's but it is telling me can not connect to server.... If you got any of them let me know Ok
So I still just have my 2 little wheatons ... nobody else.

I think the hygrometer must have been off in the other incubator .... and I think the humidity was too low .... so I it was like glue in there and nobody could move around to hatch.... I can't complain as I had such a good hatch last week. Lesson learned in that bator.... I might have ordered some more of the really awesome silkies I just hatched
I seem to have my 1st broody hens so this will be perfect for them!!!
So I still just have my 2 little wheatons ... nobody else.

I think the hygrometer must have been off in the other incubator .... and I think the humidity was too low .... so I it was like glue in there and nobody could move around to hatch.... I can't complain as I had such a good hatch last week. Lesson learned in that bator.... I might have ordered some more of the really awesome silkies I just hatched
I seem to have my 1st broody hens so this will be perfect for them!!!

I'm sorry you had such a bad hatch.
At least you have the two and they have each other!

You "might have ordered" ... Do you have trouble with accidentally ordering stuff too?
I'm sorry you had such a bad hatch.
At least you have the two and they have each other!

You "might have ordered" ... Do you have trouble with accidentally ordering stuff too?
I don't know how it keeps happening .... I swear my computer has a mind of its own ;) So I have some BBS Marans & Assorted SIlkies coming...... Yeah I'm coming clean about the Marans now too.... I also have my eye on a few others :oops: God help me!!
Oh my gosh, that little bantam next to the big red is so stinkin' cute!
Here's one my of new hatchlings, a BLRW:

That is just ridiculously cute.... she's just looking over her shoulder being so coy. I wanna love all over that fluff!!!! Soooo many congratulations folks. I'm really living vicariously through all of you on this thread. Having a tough night tonight with candling... early, it's early Jane.. that's what I keep telling myself.
So I still just have my 2 little wheatons ... nobody else.

I think the hygrometer must have been off in the other incubator .... and I think the humidity was too low .... so I it was like glue in there and nobody could move around to hatch.... I can't complain as I had such a good hatch last week. Lesson learned in that bator.... I might have ordered some more of the really awesome silkies I just hatched
I seem to have my 1st broody hens so this will be perfect for them!!!

aaggjg...... I'm so sorry about the others.
I'm doing what I can for us with the BBS Orps, but as of tonight it's not looking good. I know, I know... only day 4. Oregon to California? Air sacs maybe not intact enough? Oooooh the continuing questions.... forever and ever... I'm not a chicken after all....I don't have a fuzzy butt... well, that's up for discussion, just not in this forum.

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