Setting eggs tomorrow night, 3/29/12, anyone want to hatch with us?

aaggjg...... I'm so sorry about the others.
I'm doing what I can for us with the BBS Orps, but as of tonight it's not looking good. I know, I know... only day 4. Oregon to California? Air sacs maybe not intact enough? Oooooh the continuing questions.... forever and ever... I'm not a chicken after all....I don't have a fuzzy butt... well, that's up for discussion, just not in this forum.

Day 4 TOOO EARLY ..... STEP AWAY FROM THE INCUBATOR ... I have found that shipped eggs do need higher humidity then local... I think as they are usually older then what one would normally set from their own eggs they have lost some moisture ..... plus the trauma ..... check again in 5ish days .....

Did I mention I have 4 white silkies in the bator that I got at the ventura Poultry show last weekend??? I'm a little irritated as it was a mix of silkie & cochin and not one of the cochins were fertile!!! NOT ONE.... I mean if you are offering you eggs up for auction wouldn't you check??? I paid a pretty penny for them and then gave 4 away to a young girl who was dying to hatch bantam cochins... I'm actually more upset that her cochins probably aren't fertile .... Wish I had her info as I have cochin silkie crosses in my brooder I could give her ... oh well

Yeah I have a MAJOR problem ...... but now its all out in the open. There are no eggs incubating anywhere that you don't know about.... except for the 4 questionable fertility of my mutt eggs I shoved under my broody
Ok now you know EVERYTHING ..... I had to give her something to sit on
aaggjg...... I'm so sorry about the others.
I'm doing what I can for us with the BBS Orps, but as of tonight it's not looking good. I know, I know... only day 4. Oregon to California? Air sacs maybe not intact enough? Oooooh the continuing questions.... forever and ever... I'm not a chicken after all....I don't have a fuzzy butt... well, that's up for discussion, just not in this forum.
Jane - thank you for such a good laugh this morning!

Also, I agree with aaggjg... give them more time! Day 4 is just too early!
Day 4 TOOO EARLY ..... STEP AWAY FROM THE INCUBATOR ... I have found that shipped eggs do need higher humidity then local... I think as they are usually older then what one would normally set from their own eggs they have lost some moisture ..... plus the trauma ..... check again in 5ish days .....

Did I mention I have 4 white silkies in the bator that I got at the ventura Poultry show last weekend??? I'm a little irritated as it was a mix of silkie & cochin and not one of the cochins were fertile!!! NOT ONE.... I mean if you are offering you eggs up for auction wouldn't you check??? I paid a pretty penny for them and then gave 4 away to a young girl who was dying to hatch bantam cochins... I'm actually more upset that her cochins probably aren't fertile .... Wish I had her info as I have cochin silkie crosses in my brooder I could give her ... oh well

Yeah I have a MAJOR problem ...... but now its all out in the open. There are no eggs incubating anywhere that you don't know about.... except for the 4 questionable fertility of my mutt eggs I shoved under my broody
Ok now you know EVERYTHING ..... I had to give her something to sit on

I'd be happy to help you with your problem! I'm a great enabler and and happy to help!

At my daughters meet the other day I was chatting with a mom to pass the time and showed her pics of my new chicks. She asked how many chickens I had. I must have had a blank look as I was trying to add it all up in my head. She said "you don't know do you?"

Aaack! She was right!!! I didn't know!!! Somehow we decided to get a few chickens for eggs a couple of years ago, and then a fox got several so we needed more to keep the numbers up. When the bad fox got my favorite hen I rushed out and got an incubator to see if we could get any like her out of the eggs we had. Then one day I had the kids with me and we went into tractor supply and they had assorted bantams. Have you ever tried to say no to three adorable children asking as politely as they can??? It really didn't help that I thought the chicks were awful cute too!

This year I decided I needed some orpingtons to have some broodies. (I was really trying not to mention the brooder full of orpingtons, but since we're all coming clean now I'll admit I have a brooder with 47 orpingtons in my garage.) Then I'm not sure how it happened, but somehow I heard about Spitzhaubens, so there are 12 of those in my bathroom. (It is TOTALLY normal to raise chickens in your bathroom!!! That is my story and I'm sticking to it!!!)

You already know about the 27 I just hatched. I'm loading up the bator again this week... but that can't count because it's for my daughter's class at school!!! (Completely not my fault... the fact that I was the one who suggested it to the teacher is irrelevant!)

And... one more thing that is totally not my fault. I NEED another incubator! If you have only one incubator then what can you do with the eggs right after you load it up? Everyone knows three weeks is way too long to store eggs!!! Can I be held reponsible for the facts of science?

See... hang out with me and you'll quickly realize that you are comepletely normal! Aren't I helpful?
I'd be happy to help you with your problem! I'm a great enabler and and happy to help!

At my daughters meet the other day I was chatting with a mom to pass the time and showed her pics of my new chicks. She asked how many chickens I had. I must have had a blank look as I was trying to add it all up in my head. She said "you don't know do you?"

Aaack! She was right!!! I didn't know!!! Somehow we decided to get a few chickens for eggs a couple of years ago, and then a fox got several so we needed more to keep the numbers up. When the bad fox got my favorite hen I rushed out and got an incubator to see if we could get any like her out of the eggs we had. Then one day I had the kids with me and we went into tractor supply and they had assorted bantams. Have you ever tried to say no to three adorable children asking as politely as they can??? It really didn't help that I thought the chicks were awful cute too!

This year I decided I needed some orpingtons to have some broodies. (I was really trying not to mention the brooder full of orpingtons, but since we're all coming clean now I'll admit I have a brooder with 47 orpingtons in my garage.) Then I'm not sure how it happened, but somehow I heard about Spitzhaubens, so there are 12 of those in my bathroom. (It is TOTALLY normal to raise chickens in your bathroom!!! That is my story and I'm sticking to it!!!)

You already know about the 27 I just hatched. I'm loading up the bator again this week... but that can't count because it's for my daughter's class at school!!! (Completely not my fault... the fact that I was the one who suggested it to the teacher is irrelevant!)

And... one more thing that is totally not my fault. I NEED another incubator! If you have only one incubator then what can you do with the eggs right after you load it up? Everyone knows three weeks is way too long to store eggs!!! Can I be held reponsible for the facts of science?

See... hang out with me and you'll quickly realize that you are comepletely normal! Aren't I helpful?

I'd be happy to help you with your problem! I'm a great enabler and and happy to help!

At my daughters meet the other day I was chatting with a mom to pass the time and showed her pics of my new chicks. She asked how many chickens I had. I must have had a blank look as I was trying to add it all up in my head. She said "you don't know do you?"

Aaack! She was right!!! I didn't know!!! Somehow we decided to get a few chickens for eggs a couple of years ago, and then a fox got several so we needed more to keep the numbers up. When the bad fox got my favorite hen I rushed out and got an incubator to see if we could get any like her out of the eggs we had. Then one day I had the kids with me and we went into tractor supply and they had assorted bantams. Have you ever tried to say no to three adorable children asking as politely as they can??? It really didn't help that I thought the chicks were awful cute too!

This year I decided I needed some orpingtons to have some broodies. (I was really trying not to mention the brooder full of orpingtons, but since we're all coming clean now I'll admit I have a brooder with 47 orpingtons in my garage.) Then I'm not sure how it happened, but somehow I heard about Spitzhaubens, so there are 12 of those in my bathroom. (It is TOTALLY normal to raise chickens in your bathroom!!! That is my story and I'm sticking to it!!!)

You already know about the 27 I just hatched. I'm loading up the bator again this week... but that can't count because it's for my daughter's class at school!!! (Completely not my fault... the fact that I was the one who suggested it to the teacher is irrelevant!)

And... one more thing that is totally not my fault. I NEED another incubator! If you have only one incubator then what can you do with the eggs right after you load it up? Everyone knows three weeks is way too long to store eggs!!! Can I be held reponsible for the facts of science?

See... hang out with me and you'll quickly realize that you are comepletely normal! Aren't I helpful?

Don't you feel good coming clean???

Actually I like that I can tell you guys all how many eggs I have set and you all not think I am CRAZY!!!! As for the bathroom being a place for chickens ... Ahhhh YEAH!!! I have houseguests right now and they are hogging the chicken bathroom!!! The chicks will be so excited when they leave on Wednesday..... tons of room to run... right now they are cooped up in a brooder box and they are desperate to get out!

okay I am supposed to be working ....... so here I go .....
Well. now that I've come clean, I mights well share some pics of my Spitzhaubens! They are two weeks old and already getting little crests. I had read they were a curious breed and its certainly proving to be true! They lift their heads way up and crane their necks in all sorts of ways to check out everything that goes on!

These little ones have now graduated to the brooder in the garage with the orpingtons. They're all the same age, but I moved the orpingtons out a little earlier just to get some room. I would have loved to keep these guys in longer as I love their personalities so much, but once they start roosting on the side of the tub they are in they must move out!!

So... let me count... I am now down to ONLY 22 chicks in my bathroom! (That is a small number right?) I did keep the one smallest Spitzhauben in. She was much smaller than the rest from the start. She seems healthy otherwise, but I figured since she's small it would be better to keep her in the warmer area. Besides... that was a good way to rationalize keeping at least one of them in!
The other 21 are from my hatch last week. I sold the six reds to a friend who wanted some layers. First time I ever sold any!!! Now please pray that at least half are girls!!!

The chicks from my hatch have all been doing great. Even the tiny buff one that was the last to hatch seemed to be eating and drinking fine. Then in the middle of the night I awoke to a distressed chick chirping!!! See... if they hadn't been right there in my bathroom I wouldn't have heard the call for help!!! (I'm great at rationalizing!) Anyway... I suspected it would be a Spitzhauben who had hopped down on the wrong side after roosting and was trying to figure out how to get back with the others, but it wasn't. It was the little buff chick. She had a bad case of pasty butt!!! I swear I had just checked everyone!!! Anyway, I got her cleaned up. I was really worried about her because she seemed so uncomfortable and even staggered backwards a couple of times. She didn't seem to want to rest and lay down, but rather was trying to stay standing even though I could tell she was tired. I was so upset!!! This little chick is the only one that appears to be from my daughters favorite hen that the fox got! My daughter is already crazy about her!!!

The good news is she seems somewhat better now. She isn't chirping in distress anymore. She has pooped at least twice and is eating and drinking. She isn't staggering back anymore either. We are keeping a super close eye on her of course!!! I'm sure she wonders why we keep picking her up to check her backside! So please say a prayer or send happy thoughts her way!

Just weighed her... she is only 14.48 grams! The one that looked to be the next smallest was 24.05. Yikes!!! She always looked super tiny, but seemed vigorous otherwise. Now that I went and weighed her I'm super worried again! I really hope she makes it!!!
Well. now that I've come clean, I mights well share some pics of my Spitzhaubens! They are two weeks old and already getting little crests. I had read they were a curious breed and its certainly proving to be true! They lift their heads way up and crane their necks in all sorts of ways to check out everything that goes on!

These little ones have now graduated to the brooder in the garage with the orpingtons. They're all the same age, but I moved the orpingtons out a little earlier just to get some room. I would have loved to keep these guys in longer as I love their personalities so much, but once they start roosting on the side of the tub they are in they must move out!!

So... let me count... I am now down to ONLY 22 chicks in my bathroom! (That is a small number right?) I did keep the one smallest Spitzhauben in. She was much smaller than the rest from the start. She seems healthy otherwise, but I figured since she's small it would be better to keep her in the warmer area. Besides... that was a good way to rationalize keeping at least one of them in!
The other 21 are from my hatch last week. I sold the six reds to a friend who wanted some layers. First time I ever sold any!!! Now please pray that at least half are girls!!!

The chicks from my hatch have all been doing great. Even the tiny buff one that was the last to hatch seemed to be eating and drinking fine. Then in the middle of the night I awoke to a distressed chick chirping!!! See... if they hadn't been right there in my bathroom I wouldn't have heard the call for help!!! (I'm great at rationalizing!) Anyway... I suspected it would be a Spitzhauben who had hopped down on the wrong side after roosting and was trying to figure out how to get back with the others, but it wasn't. It was the little buff chick. She had a bad case of pasty butt!!! I swear I had just checked everyone!!! Anyway, I got her cleaned up. I was really worried about her because she seemed so uncomfortable and even staggered backwards a couple of times. She didn't seem to want to rest and lay down, but rather was trying to stay standing even though I could tell she was tired. I was so upset!!! This little chick is the only one that appears to be from my daughters favorite hen that the fox got! My daughter is already crazy about her!!!

The good news is she seems somewhat better now. She isn't chirping in distress anymore. She has pooped at least twice and is eating and drinking. She isn't staggering back anymore either. We are keeping a super close eye on her of course!!! I'm sure she wonders why we keep picking her up to check her backside! So please say a prayer or send happy thoughts her way!

Just weighed her... she is only 14.48 grams! The one that looked to be the next smallest was 24.05. Yikes!!! She always looked super tiny, but seemed vigorous otherwise. Now that I went and weighed her I'm super worried again! I really hope she makes it!!!
OMG those are the cutest things ever!!! I have to see what they look like full grown.

I am SO DEPRESSED.... Last night I noticed one of my lavender orpingtons struggling in the brooder area. I freaked out thought she was really sick. Well she is not sick but she had MAJOR Splayed leg.... They are 3 weeks old so there is no way to fix it that I can tell.... I have no idea how I did not see this... I would open the brooder cardboard surrounding and sit with them every night after work.... It must have happened in the last week as I did not spend as much time with them as I had new chicks to attend to
Of course it looks to be a pullet .... and she is so sweet and lovely... I am so upset ..... I don't know what to do. I know everyone will say cull the bird but I am a city girl and even if I lived on a farm I couldn't cull a chick. I know there is no way I can introduce her to my flock. I am sick....
OMG those are the cutest things ever!!! I have to see what they look like full grown.

I am SO DEPRESSED.... Last night I noticed one of my lavender orpingtons struggling in the brooder area. I freaked out thought she was really sick. Well she is not sick but she had MAJOR Splayed leg.... They are 3 weeks old so there is no way to fix it that I can tell.... I have no idea how I did not see this... I would open the brooder cardboard surrounding and sit with them every night after work.... It must have happened in the last week as I did not spend as much time with them as I had new chicks to attend to
Of course it looks to be a pullet .... and she is so sweet and lovely... I am so upset ..... I don't know what to do. I know everyone will say cull the bird but I am a city girl and even if I lived on a farm I couldn't cull a chick. I know there is no way I can introduce her to my flock. I am sick....

See if this will help. I don't know if it will work on older chicks or not. Two of my Silkies had splayed legs. One was OK after about 6 hours, the other after a couple days.

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