Setting eggs week of 10/1

I was so excited I didnt even remember to take pics... Hard to see for sure on ur pics but looks like the second one has a chicky in there.. lol. That sucks there were only 4 out of the 24 eggs... Maybe more will end up turning out...
Ya I hope that maybe more than four eggs will end up hatching I will keep high hopes haha. I will keep posted on what hatches and what breeds hatch too
I candled on day seven and i have been so busy I forgot to post my update, my biggest egg has TWINS!!!! I have it set to the side so I can monitor and keep a close watch on it. Im totally prepared to help these guys out come hatch day if they cant do it themself. here's a couple pics of day eight with the double egg kinda hard to see but if you look hard enough you can see the double yolk sacs with babies. remember this s only day 8 so one baby should not be this big.

I had tins once before but on day 17 my incubator got up tp 110 during the night and lost all my eggs. but I did do an eggtopsy to confirm I had two in there and I was right
I'm doing a dry hatch and noticing that as the days go by my humidity is dropping. Day one started with the humidity at 36, day two was 29, and since then it has been either 26 or 25 until today which is day 16 it was 22. When it gets below 25, I add 1 or 2 teaspoons of water, I'm using an LG still air, and the humidity will raise a couple %, right now it's at 26 since putting some water in about an hour ago. I think I will keep the humidity up a little until lock down, then jack it up for the hatch. I'm going to candle again on day 18. Candling has gone good with 22 of 24 showing movement and veining, I took out one that was clear and left another clear one in but will take it out before lockdown. It's getting closer to the end, I wish happy hatching to everyone that has set eggs for this post.

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