setting on eggs


In the Brooder
9 Years
Dec 9, 2010
My hen started laying eggs a couple weeks ago and lays one every other day but she has never set on them so since I am new to turkeys was wondering if this is normal or should she already be sitting on them..she has 11 so far
Normal hen working a normal clutch. Hen brain will determine the magic number. Then, and only then, will she hunker down and start hissing at you. Whole plan is to initiate development in all eggs simultaneously (though 1st/last egg lay might be two weeks, or more, apart - temp. has to be raised for extended period before development switch is flipped).
Today she sit on them about three hours but was off them for awhile then noticed her back on them this normal or is she suppose to stay on them once she started? Also can I leave my tom in with her or does he need to come out?
Normal That's what mine did. She will stay put soon. I think everyone recommends taking the Tom out. That's what I did.
my first year raising turkeys but my tom is still with my hen.. he dont mess with her in fact he tries to avoid her.. wont even go in the barn now lol

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