Setting some eggs 5-13-15. Looking for some folks to hatch a long with me.

I believe so yes, day 25 stop turning. Average hatch day is day 28 but can be a couple one way or the other. I have 9 viable duck eggs and (excited squeal) Think I saw movement in the goose egg. Getting excited!
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Catching up on this thread and totally fascinated with the banter on humidity levels, weighing eggs, meddling vs. benign neglect.    

This is only my second hatching using the brinsea mini eco advance.  It went so well the first time, I am barely thinking about it now.  As for meddling?  First hatch last year, I had one chick that got "stuck" and I ended helping that chick out of the shell.  HE was beautiful, but he had bent wing which is probably why he couldn't finish his zip.  He grew big and beautiful but did not survive the winter.  pneumonia I think, I nursed him for weeks but ended up putting him down.    Moral of the story?   He was weak to begin with and I now believe that nature will take it's course.  I will not do any helping this time around.

That said,  I just removed the turner, topped off the resevoir and put the 'bator into lock down.  I have 6 of the original 8 in there, one I am 90% certain is a quitter, one I am 50% sure is also a goner.    Now I am on Pip watch and I will NOT interfere this time. :D

This is my second hatch with the Brinsea mini as well. Last hatch I tried to help a chick that was clearly not ready and the membrane bled and it died. I was so upset but in hindsight it was very valuable experience. I don't think I will step in again like that. There was a reason it didnt hatch with the others and I should have stayed hands off. Anyway, I go into lockdown tomorrow too! Looks like I'll be locking down 12/14 shipped eggs. 2 were clear, all others are growing but I'm worried about one. It looks like it has dark blood around the air cell. Good luck, maybe we will be hatching together!!
They are so cute!  Congratulations on a great hatch!

Hope you have a great hatch as well - let us know how it goes!  I assisted one of the Ameraucana and am wondering if I shouldn't have, although it was the only surviving egg from a pricey half-dozen..  It was huge, and now seems to have trouble walking forward and only walks backwards with it's head up.  (Star-gazing?)  I'm making him take sips of sav-a-chick in case it is a vitamin deficiency. Once I can hatch my own eggs - NO MORE HELPING!

I had one more Wheaten Ameraucana hatch this morning.  Looks lonely in the incubator all by itself.  My total is 2 Orloff and 3 Ameraucana.  Not what I was hoping for since I started with 20 Orloff and 9 Ameraucana eggs.  But I knew shipped eggs were a gamble, and did the best I could on my end.  (USPS is not kind to boxes, no matter how they are marked.)

A lot of other people that I have talked to that hatch shipped eggs also "meddle" lol. They feel that they are paying for the eggs so might as well try to save what you can. I'm also looking forward to next year when my own shipped eggs start hatching their own eggs!! Congrats on the hatch!

Well. My single chick died while I was at work today. Looks like he curled up, fell asleep and died. Now i just have to see if my duck egg hatches... :/

So sorry you lost him! :(
This is my second hatch with the Brinsea mini as well. Last hatch I tried to help a chick that was clearly not ready and the membrane bled and it died. I was so upset but in hindsight it was very valuable experience. I don't think I will step in again like that. There was a reason it didnt hatch with the others and I should have stayed hands off. Anyway, I go into lockdown tomorrow too! Looks like I'll be locking down 12/14 shipped eggs. 2 were clear, all others are growing but I'm worried about one. It looks like it has dark blood around the air cell. Good luck, maybe we will be hatching together!!

A lot of other people that I have talked to that hatch shipped eggs also "meddle" lol. They feel that they are paying for the eggs so might as well try to save what you can. I'm also looking forward to next year when my own shipped eggs start hatching their own eggs!! Congrats on the hatch!
Sorry about the chick you lost last hatch and thanks for sharing the lesson. I had 3 more eggs that seemed to have died during lockdown and I pulled the incubator plug just now at day 23. I didn't eggtopsy since there's no way to determine if shipping was a factor. (Shipped eggs die more often in lockdown for some reason.) I'd also like to get eggs from a higher altitude and see if that makes a difference, but I have too many chickens as it is right now!

With you having 12 going in though, you should probably have a great hatch!

Also forgot to mention Iv,e put a feather duster in made from feathers my hens have moulted so its quite cute watching it nestle inbetween the feathers

Awww, that's a great idea. Hope you can find a friend for it as well.
So two out of the three chicks I got are right as rain running around eating and drinking but the third is having real difficulty standing, infact sitting on its front is the real issue! I have no clue what to do please Help!!! I'm just going to bed so I told her if she makes it thought the night (as she can't eat or drink) I will do everything I can to help her tomorrow. Thanks so much! PLEASE HELP!
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I had one chick that couldn't stand well, and mainly walked backwards until it fell. Kept looking up, too.

In a shot glass I put half a boiled egg yolk, a pinch of electrolyte powder and a squirt of honey with enough water to make it runny. Every two hours I gave him a dose with an eye dropper. Amazing difference and he is walking more normal and even pecking at the chick crumbles.
I had one chick that couldn't stand well, and mainly walked backwards until it fell. Kept looking up, too.

In a shot glass I put half a boiled egg yolk, a pinch of electrolyte powder and a squirt of honey with enough water to make it runny. Every two hours I gave him a dose with an eye dropper. Amazing difference and he is walking more normal and even pecking at the chick crumbles.
WOW that is just what I needed! Thank you so much! I'm going to stick to my word and wait till the morning and see how she is and if she still going im going to try that strait away! Once again, thank you so so so much you've given my a glimpse of hope!!
I had one chick that couldn't stand well, and mainly walked backwards until it fell. Kept looking up, too.

In a shot glass I put half a boiled egg yolk, a pinch of electrolyte powder and a squirt of honey with enough water to make it runny. Every two hours I gave him a dose with an eye dropper. Amazing difference and he is walking more normal and even pecking at the chick crumbles.
Wry neck??

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