Setting Today - Who's With Me?

I have 4 babies out so far. 2 from my eggs and 2 from my shipped eggs. I also have 2 more pips on more of my eggs. So that will be 4/6 of my girls pullet eggs hatched so far. Those babies are so tiny coming from those small pullet eggs. I had also had 4 of them in the refrigerator for 3 days because I wasn't going to set them at first but changed my mind. I can't believe they are hatching lol. I will try to post pics tonight after I get my camera back from my dd. She borrowed it to go mud bogging with her friends.
Well looks like I have a pretty awesome hatch so far...

10 of 12 Buckeyes - WooHoo!!
18 of 24 Blue Laced Wyandottes
tons of Buff Orpingtons, Rhode Island Reds and Speckled Sussex - can't count them all until I take them out of the hatchers tomorrow
I had my first chick hatch late yesterday evening- a BLRW bantam.

This morning a few more have hatched and lots of pips.

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