Setting up a Brooder and I need advice!


In the Brooder
6 Years
Jun 3, 2013
Hello fellow BYCers! I'm here with a brooder question. I am thinking about ordering 4-6 chicks from Meyer's hatchery. I have a 20 gallon long tank and am wondering if that would be sufficient for either 4 or 6 chicks. Secondly, what bulb wattage do I need for the heat lamp? I've heard 250w, then 75w. I just don't know. Also, should I go from 95 degrees down 5 degrees each week? AH! I keep hearing different things and I just want a good opinion from chicken experts!
Thanks in advance!
Oh and also how long should they be in the brooder for? and after that time, how do I introduce them to the coop?
What wattage you use depends on how close or far away you place the heat lamp. I think a 20gal tank will work for a few weeks but the chicks will need an upgrade. It is 95* and -5* each week. You can use the lower watt one and have it closer to the chicks, your choice. Have fun!
Awesome, so how many weeks should they be in a brooder? I know I'm supposed to lower the wattage to room temperature but then do I take the heat lamp off? And how many weeks until they can go outside. 6 right?

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