settings for Janoel12


In the Brooder
Jan 18, 2016
I have been experimenting with my new JANOEL12 and after 3 days I have managed to have the LED be the same as the thermometer inside the unit but the reading is 4 degrees over what I have set ???

Our ambient temperature is 34 C can anyone give me an explanation of the settings i.e. HU,HD,LS,HS,CA,AH & AL , I think I have worked out the LS,HS & CA but when I adjust nothing seems to change, HELP?

Welcome to BYC and the coop! There's a lot of great peeps here! Feel free to ask lots of questions. But most of all, make yourself at home. I'm so glad you decided to joined the BYC family. I look forward to seeing you around BYC. I'm afraid I'm no help there. You could be speaking another language. Good luck with your endeavors. :)
Hi :welcome

Glad you could join the flock! I've not used this brand of incubator before but they are often said to be factory set but can be wrong. It's always best to double check with a known to be correct thermometer inside the incubator. I see you have posted on a janoel thread I'm sure other members who have this brand will be able to help you.

Wishing you the very best of luck and enjoy BYC :frow
Hi and welcome to BYC. I'm sorry, I know Jack about incubators but I'm sure someone with experience will be along soon to help you out.

Good luck

Sorry I have never used an incubator either. You may also try posting on one of the incubation threads. I have seen that name mentioned often before, so some people do use them.

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