Severe Bumblefoot

Chicks Galore3

Artistic Bird Nut
11 Years
Dec 16, 2011
Two days ago i saw that one of my gold stars was limping, and upon closer inspection, I found she had a really swollen foot, and narrowed it down to bumblefoot. One x-acto knife later, I cut out the plug and tried to drain it of as much pus as possible. The foot was still pretty swollen. I wrapped it up and put vetricyn spray on it. Now it seems to have gotten worse. The swelling is up her leg, and I'm between her toes. She was oozing from in between her toes and I tried to squeeze the pus out of it. I'm thinking I didn't cut deep enough/didn't get all the pus out the first time. Should I cut again? Is she saveable?
If it looks worse then there is still infection left in there. You need to get the puss out as well as any hard and/or cheesy infection int eh foot. Bumble foot is nasty and can be hard to get ride of if you have a vet to take her to that may be best to ensure the entire infection is removed and then get bandaged up. Also be sure to change the bandage once a day to keep the wound clean. Use a Neosporin/triple antibiotic ointment WITHOUT the pain reliever.
try soaking in warm epsom salts, massaging gunk out,
drying and applying some clear iodine to it

the epsom salts will relieve some pain, help in reducing swelling and drawing out infection

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