severe tick problems


7 Years
May 18, 2016
This may not be the correct forum to post this question on, if I should move it please let me know!

We have got ticks BAD this year. Tiny deer ticks. We always check ourselves after coming in from outside but somehow woke up yesterday with one on my husband and 2 attached to my 2 year old daughter’s neck. I went outside to let the birds out this morning, was outside for maybe 10 minutes and I came it and picked one off of me. All our pets are treated despite not finding any at all on them, and they are not allowed to sleep in the beds with us so my question is:

Is there any natural tick control I can use or do? I would rather not spray and kill beneficial bugs and creatures because we garden too and some bugs are needed. I am also afraid of spraying around my chickens dogs etc. So if there isn’t a natural remedy I can use, can anyone recommend pet safe spray? And spray that won’t disrupt beneficial bugs and pollinators? If that even exists?? 😩 I don’t know what to do but I can’t take the chance with my kids having ticks on them even after being thoroughly inspected.


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We live in the woods in the Ozarks. We have ticks BAD. We have tried permethrin, deet and just about every natural remedy. From our experience the only thing that works is having someone professionally spray around the yard, at least the area our kids play. We just have to dress carefully if we go out into the woods or pasture and immediately throw all our clothes in the dryer when we come back in. If you figure something different I'd love to know, we absolutely hate ticks!!!
Will guinea fowl stay in my yard? I am on an acre and half and have neighbors that wouldn’t appreciate them in their yard. Will they bother the garden? Can I lock them up with the chickens at night? I know nothing about them.
Hello, I can completley relate to the problem you have. We live in the Ozark foothills in northern Arkansas, and the ticks are horrendous this year!
From the looks of it, those are something we call "seed ticks" because of their microscopic size. They are such buggers and cause extreme itch and discomfort to you and your pets.

My recommendation that has been the absolute BEST method for at least those types of ticks and usually keeps the others off as well is sulfur powder.
We were recommended this by local farmers and old people and it seems to keep the ticks off most of the time. What we do is get a sock, fill it with about a cup of the powdered sulfur you use on a garden, tie the sock, and then every time we go outside we hit the sock on our pant legs and shoes and sometimes our skin too if we know they're going to be really bad. I'll put sulfur all the way up to my thighs if I know I'll be rubbing against brush.
Sulfur stinks and some people have allergic reactions, so just make sure you aren't allergic before using. Dogs can be dusted as well, but I would also make sure you get the kind meant for pets if you do because my weenie dog sometimes sneezes after using sulfur.

From time to time we will also use permethrin and spray our work clothes the night before and not wash them. It doesn't help that much though unless you use the sulfur as well.

Another tip for the small ones since you can't see them is as soon as you come inside, strip yourself of your clothes, socks, and shoes at least from the waist down and immediately put them outside to hang or in the wash, then get inside the tub or shower and rinse and scrub your legs down to your feet with WARM water and soap. This has always stopped the little ones from finding a place to borrow and has helped the most besides sulfur for us.

Hope this helps, I know your struggle. It sucks!

P.S. You can also spray the yard or area you use most with sulfur and diatomaceous earth, this will help a little, but it's hard when you have a lot of acerage and can't get all of it.
Will guinea fowl stay in my yard? I am on an acre and half and have neighbors that wouldn’t appreciate them in their yard. Will they bother the garden? Can I lock them up with the chickens at night? I know nothing about them.
Guineas only help so much from my experience. And they will do as they please unless you have them well trained to not leave the fence and do as they want.
Guineas can fly pretty well, so you would need a tall fence to keep them in. We got a "guinea gang" this year as we had a lot of ticks as well. I was checking the kids twice a day, and finding several ticks each time! Disgusting. We've had the guineas since February now. They have free range of the yard. I have found zero ticks on myself, the dog, or the kids for the last 2 months. Guineas for the win! Seeing as you have such small acreage, though, I'm not sure how well it will work for you. Guineas are loud, they love to roam, they pick on chickens and other birds. Plus they are flighty. Good luck! I understand your frustration. 😔

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