sex link genetics


In the Brooder
8 Years
Feb 15, 2011
Ok, so I know that if you take a RIR roo & cross with a BR hen, you get black star/sexlink ect. If you cross 2 sexlinks, the offspring will come out looking like the RIR, BR & some SL. But if you were to take a RIR looking rooster & a BR looking hen from the SL crosses, would they then hatch more pure marked sex links? Trying to wrap my head around this genetics thing

My dad hatched out some Black Star x Black Star he got: some solid black, some barred, a red and some that sstarted out looking like Delaware but have turned kind of the color of Silver Ameraucanas.
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Yes, but my question is if you took 2 of those that hatched from the blackstar x blackstar (a red roo
& a barred hen) then crossed them, would they breed true blackstars again, or just another mixed hatch like the last hatch.
Crossing sexlinks together will not result in sex-linked offspring. THe way the genetics of sex-linking work is that the male has two copies of the recessive variation (allele) of the sex-linked gene, and the female carries the dominant version. Note that on sex-linked genes, females ONLY have one copy; they do not have the chromosome that would supply a second copy.

The female offspring from a sex-linking carry the recessive allele, inherited from their father (nothing to inherit from mama as she did not have that chromosome). And the males from that sex-linking have one recessive copy from papa and one dominant copy from mama.
Yes would be able to get sexlinks again by crossing a barred second generation female to the red or a any non barred roo. The barring gene works the same in hens regaedless of it they are purebreeds or mutts. So you will still get barred males and non barred females. But doing the cross you are wanting, I would imagine the offspring would have a bit more red in them being they they have already had some red bred in from the mothers side.

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