Sex of Barred Rock Chick -- Millie or Milliard?

And I knew this would be the case, with getting five different breeds. But it was so hard to decide on a single breed and not only that, I was afraid if I did get one breed then I wouldn't know who was who when they became adults.

Rookie here.
Take it from a woman who went through 75, now about 120 partridge rocks, each is different. Even the Delawares are each different. Personality matters a LOT and it always shows. And you do learn to see the little things. Even the black rocks, are each different and the barreds.

I have about ten black rocks or black bleeding red and yep, I know each of them. More than even seeing their small differences, the group they hang with, where they are in the yard, what they're eating, the bird on my shoulder that I cannot see hardly any of is Rolf. The bird standing in the running water - Puddle. The jerk black roo with the shy RIR is Soup.

It gets easier when you just know them better over all.

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